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The stadium lights went down, and Joe couldn't hide the grin on his face. He'd been waiting for this for months. Taylor hadn't let him see any of the dress rehearsals, or really any more than a few song arrangements she'd been working on in preparation for the tour. She just kept insisting she wanted him to get the full effect when the tour kicked off, and he could already tell it was going to be amazing.


He looked over at his mom, and laughed when he saw her already getting into it - his dad looked impressed, too. Joe quickly turned his attention back to the stage. He didn't want to miss anything. They were seated front row, and he knew they were in for the show of their lives. He might not have been allowed to see much of anything, but he'd been there at night with Taylor when she crawled into bed, exhilarated but also exhausted by the work she'd put into making reputation her biggest and best show yet.

And there she was. His girlfriend of over a year and a half, Taylor. He had to swallow back a gasp when he saw her move across the stage, owning that entire stadium and all 59,000 people in it in an instant. He'd never been as proud of anyone as he was of her in that moment. She'd taken the worst the world could throw at her, and turned it into an era of resounding triumph, against all odds.

More than anything, Joe couldn't believe he'd never attended one of Taylor's previous tours. He'd always been a big fan, as had his brothers, but something always seemed to get in the way when she passed through London. And now that he was finally seeing her live, he got to share the entire experience with his parents.

They'd been confused, more than anything else, when he invited them to travel with him to America for opening night of the tour. When they heard he'd already made all the travel arrangements, they accepted gratefully, but it was clear they were unsure why he was being so adamant.

Which made sense, since...they didn't know he was dating Taylor Swift.

Which, in turn, was why he knew he was in trouble as soon as he heard James Reynolds's voice come over the speakers. How was he supposed to keep a straight face when Taylor was singing "Gorgeous" right in front of him? It was hard enough to try to keep from squirming when she played it for him privately for the first time!

He glanced to his left for a split second, but he couldn't not watch her. He looked back up, and he knew he was blushing as he tried - and failed - to keep the wide smile from his face. Then she strutted down the stage directly in front of him, and had the nerve to hold her arm out in his direction as she sang. It took more willpower than it should've to keep him standing in one spot, and to keep his arms at his sides and not reaching up toward her. And then she fucking winked at him!

"Look at him!" Elizabeth laughed to her husband. "You look so smitten, you'd think she was singing about you!" She teased her son, and rubbed his shoulder when he blushed.

"Aw, remember when he used to have her posters hung up in his bedroom?" Richard decided to get in on the fun, shouting a little to be heard over the production. "Actually, I think they're still there."

Joe really didn't think his face could get any darker, but he ignored it in favor of keeping his eyes on Taylor. She retreated back across the stage, and he had to chuckle to himself. She just had to wink right at him, didn't she? Didn't she realize he couldn't control himself when she did that? Because she was singing about him, damn it.

He didn't bother to restrain himself when she was lifted over the crowd, on her way toward the back of the stadium. He held his arm up and waved as she passed overhead, and he was sure she smirked right at him at one point.

By the time Taylor started "Dress," Joe could feel his throat getting dry. He was so enamored with her sheer dominance over the crowd of tens of thousands. She had every one of them right in the palm of her hand. The costume dress she'd put on for the song took him right back to the first night he slowly pulled her little black dress off of her body, and she'd said those words to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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