lazy, melancholy

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I just hate when they assume I'm the lazy doesn't gaf (the depression) and chill the doesn't gaf kinda chill doesn't gaf about everything and everyone but little did they know it's just one of the made up personalities to hide the fact that I hate yall and I know yall hate me too but it just ruins my mood because it's not like that at all I was just depressed at the time and I was lazy and couldn't even brush my teeth and I would cry myself to sleep every night hoping one day I could just brush my teeth
But I do care but I just fucked up every opportunity when I was depressed so now I either wanna run away to a diff country or just dissappear and I just fucked up my grades and all so now I cry myself to sleep knowing I'm not gonna have the many opportunities as other people around me because my past lazy ass was too depressed to get up and study or brush my teeth and I hate bitches I didn't know how to like PROPERLY wash my hair it looked greasy all the time and I was so fucking ashamed and embarrassed and now bitches are saying "like NO OFFENSE but u hair looks greasy sometimes lmao" like bitch literally do it already

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