⚠️ snitches get stitches

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TW I still have my best friends ig acc cos I don't wanna risk yall again gossiping abt me and bitches (2 ppl from the friend group) saw me on the ig acc and told bitches and I was literally worried about bitches cos yall were reading everybody on read and wasn't replying and my friend is not that kind of person who leaves bitches on read and doesn't reply yk ans I was lowkey worried cos yall r sewerslidal and bitches r @bus1ve and all and I go to school and yall are there so I'm like hii and bitches go at me like: LOG OUT MY IG ACC STOP READING MY SHITS" and I'm like bruh I haven't read shit since like 2 weeks ago ur acc dry as fuck and I was like: "bruh I'm not reading ur shits I don't have ur acc" and bitches were like: "THEY (the 2 ppl from friend group) SAW U ON MY IG ACC AT SCHOOL" I was like I literally told the girl from friend group like we have same mbti and shit and she nice good to talk to and shit funny and all so I was like "bruhh don't tell that I still have the ig acc but (something I forgor)" and she was like "yhhh" but apparently the other person snitched like ion read ur damn shit maybe only when u read it already the I read it but not like put seen like we decided to snitch on one of "😈DA BOYZ😱😂💯" bcs he damaged the desk (new desk) literally made a hole in it w scissors💀💀 but like idk I literally feel like everybody hates me and just like there's no way that everyone goes for the toxic bitches like literally toxic and bitches that just publicly embarrass u and be saying insensitive and offensive shits like I don't want a relationship I just want attention from men😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏gawd pls😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 pls give me attention from men or ill jump deadass😂😂😂😂 this shit always turns to wanting attention from men or talking shit about bitches getting all the shit but like it's not like I'm jealous but like yall just keep putting it into my ass and shit shoving it down everybody's throat and I'm sick of being the unwanted person in the friend group the one dat no one looks at in the bus no hotties looking at me in the bus or train BUT looking at my friend next to me like pls no fucking attention from bitches then AND now😂😂😂😂😂😢 and the only fucking bitches giving me some fucking attention are on fucking asmr rp😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😂😂
But like it's crazy I just feel like I have to talk to these bitches I have no other friends especially ones I can talk abt deep shits or my weird kinks or whatever idek but like my best friend is like good to talk to normally but sometimes yall be a different person and it's crazy like can't u just pretend like I have to pretend 24/7 and yall would rather hurt other people than just pretend and act like a normal fucking human being just for a few hours like ik u have it hard at home (u have short temper and anger issues) but like pls just for a little bit just act like ur not a toxic ass hoe
Like I just wanna be like yk loved I want nice people in my life like actually nice people and not these fake ass hoes like pls I can't do this anymore plus I fucked up my life even before so now it's too late to even try and I want help like would rather be in the fucking psych ward rn this is literally crazy like why do bitches have to be like this
Like even when u hear their voice u just get fucking irritated for no reason ur just like let me live

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