5 ~back again~

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⚠️warning: none⚠️

Finn's pov

'FINN! Your back!'
'Yep, i am'
'How are you feeling?'
'I'm okay thanks Noah'
'Okay good'

*after filming* (okay so i'm still lazy cuz hey why not)
Still Finn's pov

'That was fun!'
'We are happy your back'
'Yeah i missed this almost as much as i missed you guys'
'Aww! Group hug!'
-we hug eachother-
'Hey i was thinking that we could all hang out,
'We dont want a repeat off what happened last time we hung out'
'Yeah yeah not like it's gonna happen again'
'Your right, not like it will happen again'
'Should we hang then, at my place this time'
"What time?'
'At 2? Everyone okay with that?'
'Sure sounds okay to me, you to Finn?'
'Yeah okay'
'Okay see you at 2!'

*at Noah's house*

Gaten's pov

'Hey guys!'
'Hi Noah!'
'Hey dude!'
'Hey Gaten!, hi caleb!'
'So what do ya'll wanna do?'
'Just talk and party'
'Lets dance, you must have some good music around here Noah? Dont you?'
'Let me see what we have, i'll be right back'
'Hey Finn?'
'Yeah Gaten?'
'You really like that your back dont you?'
'Yeah i do'
-noah came back-
'Who likes unholy?'
'I do'
'Ofc who doesn't?'
'I love that song'
'What is unholy?'
'You'll see Finn'
-Noah puts on unholy'
"Mommy dont know daddy's getting hot at the body shop, doing something unholy!" -we all sung thru the room-
'Oh this song!'
'You like it?'
'Yeah, it's from Sam Smith, who doesn't like him?!'
'Good you like it'
-we danced till we collapsed- (not so good for Finn but oh well, he'll be fine)
'That was so fun!'
'I just remembered that we have a Jimmy Fallon show we need to be in this monday!'
'Okay so?!'
'Ehm where is Finn?'
'I'm here you idiot!'
'Oh hi, dindn't saw you there'
'But what were you saying about the whole Jimmy Fallon thing?'
'Well as i was saying we have it on monday and i dont know what to put on, all my good clothes are gone'
'Really? This is your big concern? Clothes? Seriously?'
'What?! clothes are important'
'Just put on something cassual it's not a big deal'
Not a big deal huh?!'
'No it's not a big deal!'
'Would you guys stop making a fuss over nothing?!'
'Yeah okay sorry Finn'
'Thank you'
'Yes Gaten shut up!'
'Ehm excuse me?!'
'Gaten shut up!'
'W..what? I dindn't do anything!'
Gaten! Shut up!'
'Do you believe this guy?'
'I'm a little busy right now sorry Gaten'
'With what?'
'I hear something!'
'What is it?'
'Noah are your parents or sister home?'
'Uhm no why?'
'There's someone in your house, i hear footsteps'
'Okay it could be my dad, Finn what are you doing?'
'Looking if i can see anything'
'Uhm why?'
'Shut it! I see someone'
'Noah? Noah?'
'Oh it's just my cousin, wait what is she doing here?'
Noah?! Ive missed you!'
'I missed you to!'
'By the way these are my co-stars on stranger things, Gaten matarazzo, caleb McLaughlin, Sadie sink, Millie bobby brown and Finn wolfhard
'Hi i'm Abby, Noah's cousin'
'Hello Abby'
'She is a big fan off you guys'
'What? it's true, you said it yourself!'
'Yeah okay thats right'
'Is it true that your going to be on Jimmy Fallon's show this monday?'
'Yeah that's correct, Gaten just reminded us off it'
'I'm tottaly going to watch it!'
'We'll have to rewatch it if were even aloud to by Jimmy, haha'
'Well i wish you guys good luck'

*that monday at the show*

'So today we have a show featuring the stranger thing party! Give a big welcome to Noah schnapp, Millie bobby brown, Finn wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie sink and last but not least Gaten Matarazzo!'
-the crowd goes wild-
'Hello guys welcome once again!'
'Hello Jimmy were happy to be here'
'Okay ladies and gentleman lets get started!'
'Okay so first question, Finn? There is some news going around that you were in the hospital for a few months, is that true?'
'Yes Jimmy that is sadly true'
'Why exactly if i may ask?
'Okay, prepare for a story everyone!'
-Noah whispered to Finn- 'sure you want to tell them?' -he whispered back- 'positive' -he continued talking-
'So i was at millie's house and i went outside, i dindn't feel so good thats why i went out and sadie went out to i dont know what she was doing but, the last thing i really remember about is was passing out and a lot of screaming, sirens and further than that my mind cant take me'
'Wow thats crazy!'
'Yeah it was pretty crazy'
'And what happened after that, were you brought to the hospital or?'
'Yes, i got Brought to the hospital and it turned out that i needed a heart transplant so that was quite hectic'
'Really, i dindn't expect it to be that hectic'
'How are you feeling now Finn?'
'I'm alright thanks Jimmy, it took a long time to recover because a surgery like that takes a big tol on you, aspecially on a child' -Finn started to fiddle with a his jacket and kept looking at his shoes- and Noah noticed-
'You okay Finn? You seem nervous'
'Oh, i'm fine thanks Noah'
'Okay so Noah, sadie,gaten, Caleb and Millie?
'What did you do like when that happened with Finn? You were there right?'
'Yeah as Finn allready said Sadie was also out, and when we heard Sadie scream Finn's name we ran outside and saw that Finn had collapsed and just shut down'
'We didn't know what to do but apparently Sadie did'
'Okay, what did you do Sadie?
'Well i just did what came to mind and i just checked his pulse, and i had to do CPR or well i try'd to'
'You did CPR on me Sadie? You never told me!'
'I dindn't want to'
'So how did you know that you needed to call an ambulance?'
'Well Finn dindn't have a pulse for some reason, thats allready a sign that the body isn't working as it should be, i was always a straight A student in biology so i knew what to do i guess'
'It's pretty brave to do CPR on someone you barely know'
'I yeah well, i was just to focused on saving Finn then on realizing that i just knew him'
'Makes sense'
'Finn I hope your werent in to much pain during your time in the hospital'
'Well one specific time i really needed to fight through my pain but i did it and thats all that matters right now, i need visio to get me back on track and i'm still using medicine. I every night have an iv in my hand, i dont mind but it hurts a little'
'I hope you'll be the old Finn again'
'I hope so to, i'm allready aloud to go filming again. Today was actually my first day back on set again and it was really fun, i'm happy to be back with my friends i really missed them despite they were there at the hospital with me but i just love to be back in action again'
'Good to hear, you heard it here ladies and gentleman the rumor everyone was questioning if it was real or not, revealed to be true'
'Okay this was Jimmy Fallon this week!'
'Next week's show with Tom holland and zendaya on a new movie that's coming out! Bye everyone and Bye to these talented young acters and actresses!'

 Today was actually my first day back on set again and it was really fun, i'm happy to be back with my friends i really missed them despite they were there at the hospital with me but i just love to be back in action again''Good to hear, you heard...

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(Picture from one of the press tours love it😍
I hope you liked part i believe 6 idk what part it is allready, well i'll see you next chapter Bye 👋)
Also this is the end of this image
Wordcount 1320

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