7 ~can't stand it~

55 1 11

⚠️warning: suicide⚠️

Finn's pov
'I cant!'
'Oh yes mom?'
'I'm going to the store, will you be alright alone?'
'Sure, i'll be fine'
'Okay, see you in a bit'
'Yeah see you mom'
-after my mom left i went to the bathroom-
'Be strong Finn, it will only hurt for a sec'
-i grabbed a razorblade from the drawer-
'Okay lets do this' -i quikly moved the blade across my arm leaving a bloody cut behind, then i once again push the blade in my skin, a wince escaped my mouth as i push the blade further in,
-it felt good, i concentrated on the blood flowing from the cut i just made-
-after a while i cleaned the blade and put it back in the drawer, i then cleaned the leftover blood and the cut after that i put my sleeve back over my slighty bloody cut-
'Hopefully my parents dont find blood stains on my clothes'
'Finn! I'm back, where are you'
'Upstairs!' -i ran downstairs-
'Hey honey, come sit' -my mom grabbed my medicine-
-i rolled up my sleeve of the arm i dindn't cut-
'Yes go!' -my mom slowly injected the fluid from my medicine in my skin, i wince-
'You okay Finn?'
'Yeah i'll manage'
'Good' -she took out the needle-
'is it okay that Noah comes over tonight?'
'I have to work tho'
'Seriously! On chistmas eve?'
'Yeah, the patients keep coming in even on chistmas eve'
'Ever since you got that job, youre barely home anymore!'
'I know, and i'm so sorry honey'
'No it's fine, i'm going to watch a movie'
'Okay, Noah will be here any minute'
-the bell rings-
'I think thats him, i'll answer it' -she opened the door-
'Hey Noah'
'Hello Mrs Wolfhard'
'I'll need to go now, Bye Finn!'
-after she left-
'Did your mom needed to work again?'
'Yeah, she's always busy, and since she got that job she's always worried about me'
'She's just worried because she doesn't want something to happen to you, she already almost lost you you know'
'Your right'
-noah noticed blood stains on my sleeve-
'Finn? What is that on you sleeve?'
'Huh what?'
-he grabs my arm, i try to pull away but he's to strong-
'What is it Finn?'
-he pulls my sleeve up, i wince-
'Omg! Finn! What happened?!'
'I..i c..cut m..myself'
'What why?'
'It's just, it's complicated Noah'
'I'm going to text the others to let them know to meet us tomorrow'
-he text's the cast'

(Noah=🏳️‍🌈gay bestie🏳️‍🌈
(Gaten=🦷pearls grr🦷
(Caleb=🍫chocolate daddy🍫

,,= read by everyone
>........< = the person


>🏳️‍🌈gay bestie🏳️‍🌈<
Come hangout tomorrow!!! ,,

What time? ,,
>🏳️‍🌈gay bestie🏳️‍🌈<
Around 12, everyone okay with that? ,,

Okay! ,,

>🍫Chocolate daddy🍫<
Sure! Sounds good,,


>🦷pearls grr🦷<
Yes, sure 😁,,

I'll definitly come ,,

>🏳️‍🌈gay bestie<
See you guys tomorrow ,,

~the next day~

Finn's pov

'Hey guys!' Gaten greeted us
'Hi' noah said
'So why did ya'll wanna hangout?' Caleb asked
'Finn wanted to show you guys something' Noah said
-i slowly shook my head-
'What is it Finn?' Sadie asked
'E..eh' i stuttered
-Noah grabbed my arm and try'd to get my sleeve up but i was him a step to fast and pulled my arm back, i wince-
'someone hold his arm so i can lift up his sleeve' Noah said
'Why?' Sadie asked
'Just do it! someone quik' Noah said
-caleb grabbed my arm while Noah slowly lifted my sleeve up, i heard people gasping-
'Finn?!' Millie asked
'I..its not what it looks like' i said while letting out mumbles of pain and fear
'What on earth even happened?' Millie asked
'He cut himself' Noah explained
'Why Finn?' Sadie asked
'I..its h..hard' i said
'Why? isn't our biggest priority right now, we need to clean and bandage this cut up before it gets infected' Noah said
'Lets go to my house i have the right stuff for it' sadie said

~at Sadie's house, in her room~
(Still Finn's pov)

'Okay, i got disinfection spray, a towel with warm water and bandages' Sadie said
'Finn?' Noah asked
'Y..yeah?' I said
'Can you put you arm on the desk so we can get to work?' Noah asked
'O..okay' i said and put my arm on the desk
'This can sting a little' Sadie said
-she puts the disinfection spray on my cut, i let out a pained breath, 'shh it will be okay. Close your eyes to forget what i'm doing' Sadie said and put the towel on the cut, 'shh It's alright, your doing good, its all okay Finn' Sadie reasured me and slowly began to wrap the bandage around my cut-
'Done!' Sadie said and walked to the kitchen, she later comes back with a thermometer, a glass of water and painkillers-
-she puts the thermometer under my tongue, after a while it beebed, 'a small fever' she said and gave me the painkillers and water-
-i swallowed the pills with my water-
'Thanks Sadie' i said
'No problem thats what friends are for' she said
'Hey Finn if you need anyone to talk to were here for you' Noah said
'T..Thanks g...guys' i stuttered
-we all hug-

Wow that was wild, i hope you enjoyed it, i did on making it.
I'll see ya'll in my next chapter
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 959q

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