13 ~after~ (not part of story)

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'Lets go hurry up Raven!' I screamed as we ran into the aisle where Finn's room was
'I dont know if this is a good idea kay!' She said
'Be happy we came in, come on we came far enough' i said
'I dont know, i think we should go back' she said
'Ugh, stop being a pussy' i said annoyed
'Come on, i'm not sure if we should do this!' She said
'Do you wanna know if Finn is alright or not?' I asked her
'Yeah i do but, what if they will ask who we are and ask for our passports?' She said stuborn
'Come on, seriously? You think they would do that?' I asked
'I dont know they may?' She said
-we ran to a doctor that was on there way to one of the rooms, 'excuse me?' Raven asked 'yes what is it girl?' She asked 'ehm, so we are here to check on a friend of ours, Finn wolfhard?' Raven said 'Oh yes he's in room 14' she said
'Thank you so much' i said 'no problem girls' she said and walked away, we quikly searched for room 14-
'Room 14 huh? Where is it?' Raven asked
'There!' I said pointing to a door that had a 14 carved in a piece of wood next to the door on the wall
'Should we just knock? Or wait?' Raven asked as she pointed to the chairs at the
opposite of the door
'I quess just knock?' I questioned
'Okay, i'll knock' Raven said and knocked on the door
'Come in' i raspy voice said
-we opened the door and saw Finn sitting up on the bed he was in the blanket wrapped around him, 'you? You where the ones who called the ambulance' he said
'Yeah, how are you feeling?' I asked
'A little lame because they had to numb me to take the bullet out' he said switching to a more comfortable position
'I hope you'll feel better soon' Raven said
'Yeah i hope so to' he said
'Can i ask you girls something?' He asked
'Sure?' Raven said
'What are your names? And where are you from?' He asked
'I'm Suzie i'm from Vancouver and prefer to be called Kay if you dont mind?' I said
'Okay, well Kay, i'm from Vancouver to' he said 'and your friend?' He asked
'Well, i'm lorelei but i also go by an other name: Raven, and i'm also from Vancouver, were best friends' she introduced herself
'Well, i'm happy you saved me if you werent there i would have died' he thanked us
'Were happy youre okay now' Raven said smiling
'Hey ehm this may be a weird question to ask but are you guys transgender?' He asked
'Well, i'm gay and he's trans' Raven said
'Do you want me to call you him or he?' Finn asked me
'Yeah, i would appreciate it' i said
'Are you in love with someone?' He asked
'I have a relationship with my best friend from school, theyre name is Sam or Samy and Raven has with a boy named Alex' i say
'Does that Sam? Is it a he or a she?' He asked
'No theyre nonbinary so they arent a girl or a boy, they dont pick a gender basicly' i say
'I never thougt that was a thing?' He said
'Yeah i didn't know either untill Sam told me they were nonbinary' i said
'Do you go to the same school as me?' He asked
'I dont know, what school do you go to?' i asked
'I go to farland highschool' Raven said
'Yeah we both go there' i say
'I go to school there to, how have we never seen eachother?' Finn asked
'I dont know, we always hang out with the lgbtq+ club so, if you want to find us we'll likely be hanging with them' i say
'My friend Noah schnapp hangs with the lgbtq+ club to lately' he said sighing
Maybe he isn't straight like you' i say mocking him a little bit
'Oh Noah is the most straight person i know' he said
'You sure about that?' Raven asked, ive seen him a couple of times and i have the idea he isn't straight but he just try's to hide it
'Maybe, who know?' Finn says
'Oh it's getting late, we better go now' i say looking at my watch and saying bye to Finn, dragging Raven with me

~days later at school~

'Oh god what do i hate school' i say bored as i put my English book inside my locker
'Yeah it's so boring, what do you have for last lesson?' Raven asked me
'History from Mr Miller' i say already bored by thinking of it
'You have Mr Miller?! I have mrs Garcia for history' Raven says
'Lucky you' i say as we walk to our table
'Hey Samy!' I say to Sam
'Hey, how was comic con?' They asked
'Not that great' Raven atmitted
'Ow what happened?' Alex asked as he sat next to Raven
'There was a shooting' i said
'Yeah and and you know we found out that Finn wolfhard goes to this school to!' Raven said
'Omg really?' One of our friend's (nicky) Toby asked
'Yeah' i said
'But what happened at the shooting? Were there people killed or injured?' Sam asked concerned
'Finn actually got shot, we kinda saved him' i said
'You what? You saved Finn wolfhard?' Sam asked me
'Yeah, dont worry were fine' i said seeing the concern in they're eyes
'Oh thank god your okay' they said hugging me tight
'E..ehm samy! I cant breath your crushing me' i say
'Oh sorry' they say and we eat our lunch because me and Sam have PE together and we need to be there 10 minutes before it starts. Because there is a lot of snow around this time of year were aloud to take longer on getting there so we got 10 to get there and get ready-

Took my whole evening, i should sleep now
Hope you liked it
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 1026

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