17 ~fever~

27 1 0

Finn's pov

'Finn, wake up!' Nick said as he shook me awake
'Ugh, i feel bad' i slurred out barely able to talk. my throat was burning, i felt very warm and i had the feeling my head was going to fall off it hurt so much
'What hurts Finn?' Nick asked
'My head and my throat is burning like crazy' i managed to say dispite my burning throat
'Yeah i think you should take some rest' Nick said as he felt my head 'your burning up Finn'
'Ugh, why today? I had to film a very important scene' i say annoyed at myself
'I'll let the Duffers know your not coming today' Nick said
'Thanks Nick, i apreciate it' i say
'No problem Finnie, if you need anything just tell me okay?' Nick said
'Yeah, i'll do' i said
'You should rest now, i'll be back with some aspirin and a thermometer' Nick said and walked away and i grabbed my phone


I dont feel so well so i'm not coming to set today

>🏳️‍🌈gay bestie🏳️‍🌈<
Get better soon Finn <3

Hope you'll be better soon, we love you ❤️‍🩹

>🦷pearls grr🦷<
Get better soon buddy 🤒🥺

>🍫chocolate Daddy🍫<
Hope you'll be back soon 🥺

Get well soon Finn, we love you <3333

Thanks guys your the best <3

'Finn?' Nick asked as he walked into the room
'Yeah?' I asked
'You need to take medication now!' Nick said
'Jeez, calm down' i said shocked at my brother's response
'We need to check your temprature' he said lifting my chin up for me to look at him, he put the thermometer in my mouth under my tongue. After a while it beebed 'very high fever, 40, 2 it's worse then i thought' Nick said
'What?' I slurred out
'You'll be okay. Just rest and a lot of medicine will do the trick' he said

Very short, i didn't have much inspiration. I have an idea on what to do next chapter tho, anyway i hope you enjoyed it <3
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 370

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