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"Gods, hurry up." I bent my head, stumbling forwards at the Balladeer's command. Leaving Aaru village was a relief, the time inside had made me claustrophobic and stressed. He let out a tsk of irritation, despite my compliance. We walked in silence for hours, him making a snarky comment every few moments. Eventually he hissed, grabbing the back of my shirt and yanking me backwards. My eyes widened, I avoided his gaze until he gripped my face and turned me to face him. "What's the matter with you? Why aren't you talking?" I stared at him in disbelief. "I'm serious. It was entertaining, seeing you fight me. I wanted to see that again." I clenched my fists and gestured at the slices all along my flesh.

"I'm sorry, but you could have killed me! You may be some kind of crazy godlike being but I'm fucking human." Scaramouche furrowed his brows.

"I- gods above, humans have so many emotions. I didn't mean to, that wasn't about you. I was annoyed because of... events in the past being brought up again." I hissed in irritation and turned around. "And there she is. The Y/n I know." He chuckled. I sighed, shaking my head. "Stop here, we're making camp." I held my hands out, waiting for him to tie me up again. "No. I'm not going to keep making camps for us all alone. I'll supervise, you do it." I groaned, getting to work on finding firewood by the oasis. Eventually I managed to light a fire, a frustrating task without the vision he refused to give me.

"Done." He glanced up from the blade he'd been sharpening, he tossed it aside and came to sit by the fire.

"Took you long enough." I clenched my fists to stop myself from saying something dumb. "What?" He glanced at my fists, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing." His gaze didn't waver. "If you were really so concerned it would've been a thousand times quicker with my vision." He scoffed.
"So reliant on your special gifts from Celestia." I rolled my eyes and got back to stoking the fire. "You humans are pitiful." Scaramouche went on, sitting beside me.

"I disagree. I don't know what you've been through, but your outlook on life is just sad." He narrowed his eyes and went silent.

"Do you want to know?" I blinked, staring at him in disbelief. "I'm not going to offer again. You've caught me in a good mood." I nodded rapidly, crossing my legs and tossing another stick into the fire. "It started when I was born- A test subject, a prototype. My mother. She betrayed me. Stripped me of my divinity and banished me to this mortal plane. The next to betray me was a friend, someone dear to me. But when I confessed my origins, he shunned me, consumed by fear. I made a friend only once more. A young child, one who wouldn't understand the oddity of my situation. He broke his promise to me. He departed this world and with it left the hope I once had for humanity." I remained silent. "Do you understand, now?" He raised his head, looking at me.

"I- I don't know. The first one- with your mother- that's a horrid thing. Besides, how can anyone see you as weak?" I could have sworn I heard him chuckle. "As for your first friend, though... I'm so sorry. That's shit. But, I suppose it would come as a shock- I'm still a little confused." I shrugged. "And for the child. I hate to say it, but that had nothing to do with you. Everyone will die one day. Even you- it may take four billion years but you will. Same with me." I looked up at him, he furrowed his eyebrows and rested his head on his hands.

"Your point of view is interesting." I shrugged again.

"I'm just being honest. Death hurts but it's not a reason to be filled with loathing." I yawned, stretching my arms out behind me. "Can I go to sleep now?" He nodded, gesturing at the pile of blankets he'd taken from the Inn. I walked over, burying myself in the soft material and falling asleep.

Godhood - Scaramouche x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now