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"You always wake up late. Get up." I choked on a breath, waking up to Scaramouche bending down with his head at level with mine. "What is with you and being so easily startled?" I rolled my eyes, getting up and quickly adjusting my hair.

"I usually live alone." He raised an eyebrow.

"What about your family? I distinctly remember my agents reporting you having four siblings and two mothers." I hunched my shoulders.

"And I distinctly remember that it's none of your business." He narrowed his eyes, but didn't press the matter.
"Hands in front, we're entering dangerous areas and I don't trust you to not run while I'm distracted by scorpions." I huffed in annoyance but let him tighten the rope until it hurt. After a few hours he let me rest, studying a map intently.

"Can you show me where we are?" I sat next to him, earning myself a displeased look.

"Here." He placed a finger near the Dar al-Shifa.

"Oh! That's so cool!" He glanced at me. "It's right near the Dendro Hypostasis- I wanted to study it a few months ago but I could never get approval to go see it." He scoffed, grabbing my binded wrists and pulling me along. "Hey-! What are you doing?" He didn't answer. I sighed, trying to catch up and map out where we were going in my head. Eventually he dragged me into a cave, shoving me onto a rock as I stared at our surroundings. In the centre of the cavern there was an arena-like stone floor. Scaramouche sprinted to the centre and landed a swift kick onto a green cube, I inhaled sharply as it came to life.

"There's a notebook in the bag! Hurry up and start writing!" He called out, summoning a catalyst and dodging attacks. I nodded, searching for the paper and pencil and sketching the Hypostasis. As he landed the final blow I called out to him.

"We can go now! We need Dendro attacks!" He glared at me, pulling something out of his pocket. He held it close to the restorative piths, I watched in bewilderment as they lit up, cleansing the Hypostasis. "Whoa..." I finished my description of the attack patterns before haphazardly stumbling over to him. He sighed, letting me lean on his shoulder while I regained my balance.

"It was an old artifact, it had traces of dendro on it." I walked over to the cube, resting my hand on the slowly rotating shields.

"I've always wanted to see this. Thank you." He shrugged.

"It's not for you. I'm proving a point." I smirked.
"Oh? And what point is that, Balladeer?" He glared at me enough to make me tense a little.

"That you don't need permission. Do whatever shit you want." I smiled. He sat down again, grabbing the notebook out of my hands. "You have pretty detailed notes here." He flipped through the pages before passing it back. "There isn't enough room in here for me to keep this. You can take it." I hid my scepticism, having barely used half of the book. "When you're done in Sumeru, maybe one day we can go see the others." His head snapped up at me, confusion evident on his face. "I- I mean, or not. I have... the Akademiya to get back to, my essay, the Amurta Darshan." I laughed breathlessly.

"We should... keep moving." I nodded, looking down. I followed him silently for the rest of the day.

Godhood - Scaramouche x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now