•Chapter 1•

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Quackity was headed to the prison, but his intention was not to hurt Dream this time. As he walked inside the prison he spoke to Sam while walking, Sam went over what to do when Q got in there.

Although Quackity wasn't listening he had been through this many times to the point where he could memorize what Sam would say.

When Sam finished going over the instructions Quackity got on the platform watching the lava fall, once it fell he walking along with the platform as it moved towards Dreams cell.

Dream had seemingly moved towards a corner reasonably afraid of Quackity. Quackity sighed once walking into the cell and pulled out his axe.

"You can close it now Sam" he yelled looking behind himself towards Sam, Sam nodded and clicked a button bringing the platform back and flipped a lever as the lava fell.

Quackity turned back around towards Dream once he saw the lava falling and walked over to Dream sitting down on his knees in front of him.

Dream covered his face with his hands visibly shaking Quackity sighed putting the axe down beside him and pulled one of Dreams hands down from his face.

"I really traumatised you didn't I?" Quackity spoke quietly and Dream pulled his hand away from Q bringing his knees up to his chest and hugging them nodding his head a bit.

Quackity's wings lowered a bit "I would say sorry but that wouldn't make up for shit" Quackity looked down at the floor Dream looked up from the floor towards Quackity.

"Why aren't you hitting me?" Dream spoke up confused and a little scared as he tilted his head to the side "I'm not here to hurt you Dream, I actually have a deal-" Quackity made sure to be quite while speaking so Sam wouldn't hear him.

"A deal?" Dreams ears rose a bit (he's a ram in this) "Yes a deal" Quackity looked up at Dream "Well what is it?" Dream stopped hugging his legs.

"Well, I'll get you out of this shitty place if you don't hurt anyone in Las Nevadas or the country itself-" Quackity said picking up the axe and putting it in his inventory.

Dreams ears rose higher a smile growing on his face as his tail wagged a bit "Deal" Dream spoke no longer shaking. Quackity pulled out an invisibility potion and threw it to Dream.

Dream caught it and set it down before setting some stuff up to make it look like Dream was hiding in the corner before grabbing onto Quackity's hand and chugging the potion.

"SAM LET ME OUT" Quackity yelled out pulling out his axe that already had blood on it from previous visits.

shortly after the lava started falling and the platform started moving over towards Quackity. Quackity walked up onto it Dream still holding Quackity's arm. They walked with the platform to the other side before leaving the prison.

When they got far enough away Quackity held out some milk for Dream. Dream took it and drank it slowly becoming visible again.

Dream looked down at Quackity (shorty) and hugged him. "Thank you Q" Quackity hesitantly hugged him back "Your welcome Dream" he moved his face into his chest and smiled.

"You okay Q?" Dream chuckled "Yeah just been a while since I've got a hug" Quackity laughed "Especially from you" Dream ruffled Quackity's hair "True that" Quackity let go of Dream and backed up.

Dream took off the nasty blood stained prison shirt of his showing a Black sleeveless shirt. His arms were covered in both recent and old scars a lot of them coming from Quackity.

"You know were Sapnap lives? And Possibly an ender chest?" Dream threw the shirt to the side and looked over at Quackity.

"For one why wouldn't I know were my ex-fiance lives and second there's an ender chest at the community house, come on" Quackity turned around and started walking Dream following shortly behind.

"Sapnap's your ex-fiance?" Dream asked "Him and Karl were both my ex-finace's...but we had a fight that led to Karl calling me a murderer and Sapnap taking his side..." Quackity sighed.

"Hm..." Dream looked down then up at Quackity as an idea popped in his head. He smirked under his mask though Quackity couldn't see it.

When they got to the community house Dream had opened an ender chest pulling out his armour and a pickaxe. "Where's Sapnap's house?" Dream asked again.

"You mean country? I'll show you" Quackity replied taking Dreams hand and walking towards Kinoko Kingdom. "He has a damn country?" Dream asked "Damn a lot has changed since I was last out prison..."

Quackity nodded and stopped walking when he reached Kinoko "here's the entrance" Quackity let go of Dream and held out his own arm towards Kinoko.

"Hm.." Dream grabbed Q's hand again and teleported on top of a mushroom looking down at something. "The fuck are you looking at?" Quackity whispered.

Dream pointed down at Sapnap and George talking a certain kind of sadness coming over him, what used to be his best friends looking happier without him.

That sadness turned into anger quickly, when George looked away from Sapnap Dream teleported down grabbing Sapnap and covering his mouth so he couldn't yell. And teleported back up to Quackity grabbing him a bit more gently.

He teleported to a different peice of land a bit away from Kinoko, and threw Sapnap on the floor placing Quackity down gently shortly after before turning to Sapnap.

Quackity was surprised by the sudden movement but grinned when he saw Sapnap on the floor. Dream stabbed a pickaxe into Sapnap's tail "Give me my damn sword" Sapnap refused to give it to him.

꙳❀A while later❀꙳

Sapnap had finally gave back Dream his sword, Quackity was holding back a small laugh finding the sight funny to look at. How pathetic Sapnap looked was funny to Q considering Sapnap had always made himself look 'unbreakable' or 'strong'

It was funny to Quackity. Dream smirked the idea he had earlier popping back in his head. "Oh and Sapnap?" Dream twirled a pocket knife in one of his hand's the other one lifted up his mask just so you could see his mouth which he was smirking.

He turned to Quackity and gave him a quick peck on the lips Sapnap looked horrified. Dream teleported away from Kinoko to someplace in the woods holding Quackity who was now frozen from shock.

"You okay Q?" Dream lowered down to Quackity's height "I– you– uhm– we– eh—" Quackity was looking every but Dreams eyes due to him being flustered.

Dream chuckled "It was just to piss off Sapnap ducky" Dream let out a small laugh at the word 'ducky' "Shut the fuck up—" Quackity crossed his arm and looked away from him

"I'm good thanks for the offer though" Dream stood up straight again and ruffled Q hair shortly after taking his hand "Now where's Punz?" Quackity started walking out of the woods towards Punz house not looking up until Dream...

L cliffhanger
Word count: 1190

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