•Chapter 7•

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Quackity woke up laying on Dreams chest who was scrolling through random shit on his phone, Quackity yawned and sat up holding his head due to it hurting from him crying.

"Ah, you're awake" Dream spoke smiling as he set his phone down. Dream didn't have his mask on as it was actually next to Dream, Dream didn't seem to notice that he hadn't had the mask on though.

Quackity sat there looking at Dream actually happy to see him without the mask before letting out a weak "mhm" followed by a nod.

"Well, now that you're awake real quick, you do remember what happened before you passed out on me right?" Dream asked, Quackity nodded "I told you about the whole Glatt thing, correct?"

"Right, just making sure you remembered" Dream explained before noticing that Quackity was full on staring at him "Uhm, Q?" no response "Quackity?" Dream snapped his fingers in front of Q's face as he spoke

Q shook his head and blinked a few times "Ah- sorry" Q chuckled nervously not really realizing that he just started staring at Dream "What were you staring at?" Dream asked titling his own head.

Quackity was quiet for a bit before speaking up "You" Dream now seemed confused "Me? Why we're you staring at me?" Dream asked "You look nice without the mask" Quackity smiled.

Dream's eyes widened and he looked down at the mask bedside him "Oh, uhm thank you, I sorta forgot I took it off" Quackity giggled "Yeah I see that captain obvious"

"Shut up duck boy" Dream chuckled and ruffled Q'S hair, he caught himself staring at the duck who was now smiling for a small moment and quickly looked away.

"You okay ram boy?" the duck asked from the sudden movement from the ram in front of him "Yeah I'm fine, sorry" Dream lifted his head up as he spoke though he did have his eyes closed until he finished talking.

"If you say so" Quackity shrugged and shifted his wings on his back in a more comfortable position "But did you really just sit there the whole time while I was asleep?" Quackity's head tilted to the side a bit.

Dream nodded "why? Is that a bad thing?" Dream asked in return "No, no, not at all it's really just the last thing I would've expected from you" Quackity responded holding his hands up to his head.

"So me not moving while you were asleep is definitely more odd compared to you full on breaking me out of prison now hm?" Dream raised an eyebrow in fake confusion and Q responded with a slight giggle

"Alright you got a point" he chuckled "I'm always right Q" Dream joked Quackity stared at him for a moment before speaking up "That's a lie, anyways, I'm gonna go make sure Tom's is awake" Q hopped off the bed and left the room with that.

Dream being Dream quickly got bored and stood up, he had looked around Q's room before he went into Q's closest which was a walk in closet and sorta just looked around again before seeing a small box labeled 'Do not touch'

Dream obviously wasn't gonna listen to that and sat down next to the box opening it and looking in the box, inside were promise rings from Karl and Sapnap, a bee pin, a ring from Schlatt a long with a knife? It was labeled Schlatt for some reason, and a small pin Dream had gave Q back in high school.

"Jesus he really still has all of this?-" he heard footsteps coming back towards the room and he closed the box, stood up, and got out the closet and just then Q walked back inside the room.

"Hey Dream I'll be gone for a moment I have to see someone" Q seemed uneasy as he spoke which did make Dream confused "Just, take care of Tommy while I'm out okay?" dream nodded as a response.

With that Q turned away from Dream and walked off before letting out an audible mumble "Goddammit Glatt-" he had mumbled, Dream wanted to follow him after hearing that but knew damn well that he would get caught.

---•With Quackity•---

Quackity had walked out of the house and into the casino, going into a backroom labeled 'staff only' Quackity had to leave the house to see Schlatt cause really if he didn't Dream or Tommy would've probably seen something happen most probably Q getting hit and try to stop it

Q leaned against a wall staring at the floor Glatt appearing in front of Q shortly after "Hey Sugar Pumpkin" Glatt grinned "I'm not your your 'sugar Pumpkin' Glatt" he mumbled frowning "Aw Come on Pumpkin, why the frown? Must I cut your pretty mouth again?" Glatt dragged his finger a long Quackity's mouth in a smile like shape

Quackity shivered, just Glatt being nearby made Q feel extremely cold, Q responded to Glatt's question with a head shaking 'no' looking at the floor. Glatt gave a toothy smile "Good, now what's up with you and Dream? You two dating or some shit?" Glatt asked

Quackity froze and his head shot up towards Glatt "What?- No! I- I wouldn't date him! Why would you think that?!-" Quackity started panic

"Q, Pumpkin I can read your emotions, you felt all happy and giddy when you woke up and saw Dream, that's not an everyday thing is it?" Glatt asked not really caring but for sure bringing it to Quackity's attention

"I- what- what are you here for anyways?" Quackity asked just to change the topic, although this topic wasn't really a good one in favor of Q "Ah, yes right, I heard the argument you had with Dream pumpkin"

Just by saying that Glatt quickly looked more intimidating to Quackity and Quackity tried to scramble through word's, to find something that would make Glatt leave him alone but there was nothing, so he just stared at the floor and muttered an "I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't going to help that lame excuse for a ram forget what you said is it?" Quackity quickly got protective by that "Lame excuse for a ram? You mean yourself?" he spoke without thinking, and without 'permission' from Glatt causing him to grab Q by the hair and slap him hard enough to leave a bruise

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK BACK UNDERSTAND." the undead ram shouted already pissed off, he always had a short temper, Q out of anyone in the server knew that was a fact.

Quackity whined at the pain, his wings lowering and he nodded as a response to Glatt's yelling "Good." he basically threw Quackity, the duck hitting the ground with a yelp, he sat there for a moment before standing back up not looking at Glatt

"Now I'll be back later. Don't fuck anything else up" with that glatt disappeared

•---Word count 1158---•

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