I love you

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TW: Mention of suicidal thoughts and self harm.

Albedo had just arrived home. 9pm was the time read on the clock. "Y/N, love. I'm home!" He would call from the kitchen after placing his bag down. "Y/N?" He'd call once again.

He then noticed a small paper note set down on the bench. He picked it up. The note read;
Dear Albedo,
I love you. I love you no matter what. Honestly, through everything you've made me feel happier. Happier than I knew I was capable of being. If your reading this note, I'm probably dead but please know it wasn't your fault, none of it was. You made my life better. I love you forever. - Y/N

He stood there. Complete, utter shock. "Y/N!" He called again, his voice quivering.  "Y-YN..!" His voice began to grow weak as the tears built up, his body began shaking.

He continued to call your name, praying for a response. Praying for you to be alive. It's all he wanted, just to see you alive and breathing.

He started to search through the house, still calling out to you. Soon, he came to the bathroom which connected to the bedroom. It was dark so he flicked on the light, and there you were.

You were sat against the bathtub, your face buried in your knees. Your hands were wrapped around your legs as you hugged yourself tight, and there on the floor right next to you was a knife. Your wrists were bloodied and you'd even cut off some of your hair.

"God Y/N!" Albedo ran over to you quickly, he knelt by your side. He held you so tight you thought you'd burst.

"Love, what happened? Please talk to me. I'm so worried, I thought you were dead and-" He spoke through tears.

"I'm sorry." Is all you could muster. You couldn't bear to look at him right now.

"Don't be sorry.. god, you've got nothing to be sorry about. I just want you to be okay." He pulled away. "Please look at me Y/N? Please."

You slowly looked up. You revealed your tear stained face to him, you felt pathetic. There was nothing you could say. Nothing you wanted to say.

Albedo just stared at you, you couldn't blame him if he didn't know what to say. It's not easy seeing someone like this.

"Stay here love." He said as he stood. He grabbed the knife and left the room. You were puzzled but stayed. You remained quiet and held your head in your palms.

Albedo returned a few minutes later with bandages. "I don't want them to get infected." He said as he knelt down. "Can I?" He asked, referring to asking if he can wrap your wrists with the bandage.

You nodded. He gently took your arm and wrapped the bandage around the cuts, they weren't bleeding as much as they were before so it wasn't really sinking through the bandage.

"Let's get you out of this bathroom okay? We can get in bed and just cuddle and fall asleep and then when your okay to talk about everything we can. I'm not going to make you talk in the state your in right now." He said as he gently squeezed your hand.

You just nodded as another tear fell down your face. He helped you up and brought you into your room. "Get into bed and I'll grab you some fresh clothes okay?" Again, you nodded.

He grabbed you a hoodie of his and some pajama shorts. "Here." He handed them to you. You quickly got changed, as he got changed into his form of pajamas.

Albedo then got into bed next to you, slipping under the covers as you followed. He pulled you close, his grip on your waist tight. So tight it was like he never wanted to let go, he wanted to stay like this for the rest of your lives.

"Albedo?" You whispered softly, looking up at the pale blonde.

"Yes? What is it love?" He asked, looking down at your fragile figure.

"Thank you.. I love you."

A soft smile appeared across his face once you had said those words. "I love you even more Y/N, rest now darling." He kissed your forehead.

You cuddled up close to him. You were glad you couldn't bring yourself to go through with your attempt tonight, you were so glad.

Albedo x Reader (Oneshots) - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now