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TW: alcoholism, cheating, swearing

The bitter feel of guilt pooled in your stomach. This was no unfamiliar feeling; you'd felt this the first time you'd done it. The first time you cheated. 

The guilt came in waves. There was a small pool of guilt developing as the session of cheating had begun, the bitter feel came after. After the man you'd cheated with left you'd feel sick, almost like you were going to puke. You felt horrid but yet continued. Why continue? You couldn't answer that question even if you wanted to.

The final wave normally resulted in drinking so much you can't remember the feel of the guilt, this also being a way to get wasted for a good reason, or something you at least considered good enough reason. Sure, the event of being black out drunk was now a rare occurrence as you'd sworn to multiple people, you'd stay sober. Swore that you'd be clean. Unfortunately, there were some cases this promise would have to be set aside for.

It was pathetic of you really, or at least that's how you felt in the morning with that sickening hangover. Although you felt pathetic, it was better than feeling all of that disgusting guilt. The guilt you felt in the afternoons were small. You'd walk into the kitchen, somehow changed into sweats and a baggy shirt. Assuming Albedo had changed you and not yourself as you were incredibly drunk.

The pale blonde turned around as he heard your footsteps once you'd entered the room. "Good mor-" you were abruptly interrupted. "Why the fuck would you drink y/n?" his voice low, angry.

You swallowed the lump in your throat. "I needed to. You don't understand." Your voice came out in a soft tone, afraid. You heard the slight hitch of his breath as he swiftly sucked in. "I leave one night, and you drink like your life fucking depends on it." There was a slight pause as he sighed. "I thought you were getting better."

The guilt starts to pool again. The urge to grab a wine bottle from the cupboard is rapidly increasing. Pushing the feelings down, you spoke. "You haven't struggled through alcoholism, you don't understand." 

Albedo turned around, the bags under his eyes had gotten significantly darker. His head hung low as he spoke, annoyed. "What could've possibly happened for you to drink that much? I understand getting drunk but fucking black out drunk?" He paused, considering his word choice carefully. "Either way, I can assure you I won't be leaving for a night if I come back finding you black out fucking drunk."

You sucked the inside of your cheek as you considered what you could say to even remotely make up for how drunk you got. You knew he'd be disappointed, really, what were you expecting? "I'm sorry, okay? I get it, I fucked up you don't need to remind me. I just, I had an episode last night alright? Could you stop fucking questioning me."

Sure, what you said may have partly been a lie. You didn't tell him about the cheating, but why would you? You don't want to lose him, even if you did cheat. The episode part was true, earlier that night, after Albedo had left, you broke down. Without that distraction there you had failed to prevent your emotions from straying away from you. Thats the reason you had hooked up with Dain again, to help distract.

Silence filled the room; you couldn't quite read Albedo's facial expression. He looked as though he had felt bad for speaking to you the way he had, although, still looked angry. He finally held his head higher, slowly making his way toward you. "y/n.." He slowly approached you. "I'm sorry for getting angry. I just hope you can understand it's hard for me to see you in that state, especially after you managed to stay sober for so long." 

You were still slightly looking down, his hand slowly slid across your jaw down to your chin. Slightly tilting it up for you, he looked into your eyes. "Forgive me for being angry. Next time I'll listen before using such a tone or such words." Your eyes scanned over his porcelain looking face, he was so beautiful, so doll like. 

A small sigh of relief escaped you. "You're forgiven. I understand how my drinking, especially when it's like that, can trigger others." A small smile formed on his soft pale lips. He placed a small, gentle peck on your forehead and moved away, creating a small distance. 

"Well, how about we watch a movie hm? We could get all cuddled up together and let your headache pass." He suggested. You felt a small smile form on your face as you saw the sweet side of him, the sucker for physical affection. God you find him adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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