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I just stared at my child who has been missing for TWO YEARS. Before I could even stand to hug them tightly, more people come tumbling through the portal. Thankfully my child inherited Barnes's instincts and rolled out of the way with the child and cat like creature.

"Ouch! Crowley, get your elbow off my tail," a voice calls from the pile.

"Riddle, you're squishing my ribs!"

"Watch the tail!"

"Hold on, I gotcha," (Y/N) said before using a levitation spell that I taught when she was four. Soon the clutter of beings were set gently on there feet.

"While I appreciate the assistance, my pearl... I'm not one for being in the air," the boy with glasses and light grey hair says.

"I know, the sea is much better suited for you Azul," (Y/N) says to the boy... "Azul."

"Who the hell are these guys, pumpkin," Barnes says protectively and I nodded in agreement.

"Uh... (Y/N), who's the very intimidating man with the metal arm and the man who's reaching for the golden dagger at his hip," the sun kissed skinned lad with red eyes who reminds me of young Parker.

"Everyone lower your weapons," (Y/N) says, "These are my friends and...lovers."

"I'm sorry...lovers," Bucky exclaimed and I drop my daggers from shock.

"Darling, would you be so kind to explain what happened in the past two years," I say with folded arms.

"Are you upset with me mother," (Y/N) and my parental instinct kicks in and I pull my child into a warm embrace.

"I was beyond worried. I thought the Allfather discovered your existence or worse. I searched the 9 realms for you, Bucky raided everything Hydra faculty and couldn't find you. we thought.." I trailed off as the tears of years of not being able to find my baby finally crashed into me like a wave. I cried and held my baby, my lovely (Y/N).

"I thought you said that you're mom was a God," a shrill voice said causing us to break apart.

"Did that cat just speak?"

"I'm not a cat! I am the great Grim," the cat like creature said and the red with blonde haired child from earlier ran forward and hugs (Y/N).

"Auntie, make the scary lady go away," the little one said and I noticed that he had lion ears and a tail. The poor boy was scared, in an unfamiliar place.

"Auntie Nat won't hurt anyone here, Cheka," my little serpent whispers to the lion child.

"Cheka, thank the Seven that you're alright," and older young man says with similar features to Cheka but the instead of red hair and honey brown eyes, the young man had brown hair with two braids in the front and green eyes and a thin scar marking his left eye.

"Uncle Leona," the child screams before flying into the elder's arms.

"Besides, the cute reunion.. where the hell are we," a young man with a wolf's tail and ears ask.

"I believe we're in (Y/N)'s world," an elderly man states and the young men went silent for a moment.


"How interesting," a child said but my magic was telling me that he was older than he looks.

"Lilia, how can you be so calm about this? We're away from everything we know," Azul ask with equal calmness.

"Because we have our lovely (Y/N) and their family to help us until we find our way back," Lilia says with a smile before turning to face the others, "Carter. Idia. Are your phones working?"

"Sure thing," said the orange haired lad with a Diamond under his eye.

"I believe introductions are in order," I announce and thankfully there wasn't any complaints.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves since I am most gracious. I am Dire Crowley, Headmage of Night Raven College," the masked man said with a flourish, "And these gentlemen are my colleagues."

"I'm Professor Mozus Trein, a teacher at NRC," the elder gentleman says.

"I'm Professor Divus Crewel, I'm also a teacher at NRC," the next gentleman says and I'm caught off guard by his beautiful appearance. "Might I also add that (Y/N) pup is a joy to teach and train. They're beyond well behaved."

"I would hope so," Bucky says, "Steve and I had to drill into them lessons on manners and politeness."

"I'm Coach Ashton Vargas, it's a pleasure," a burly brute of a man who reminds me painfully of Thor and Hulk.

"Dorm Wardens, please introduce yourselves," Crowley say.

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