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After getting yelled at by Sam, I managed to slip into the kitchen and grab a beer.

"Bucky, she's growing up," Nat says from beside me.

"They are. But... boyfriends," I whine slightly not really enjoy the idea of (Y/N) getting intimate with those boys.

"They could be dating Wade Wilson, a member of Hydra, or worse Thanos," Steve argues and I shutter at the thought.

"Fair point," I grumble knowing that I won't win this argument. Whether I like it or not, my baby is all grownup and doesn't need their daddy anymore.

"Mr. Barnes," Crowley calls to me and I look over while taking a long drag of beer.

"If it's about any property damage (Y/N) caused then take it up with Loki. I'm only responsible for the fights and potentially broken students."

"He's right," Loki replies before returning to flirting with Divus. I'm not shocked by this, after all we weren't in love but we raise (Y/N) to be they way they are today.

Crowley looks taken aback for a quick moment but quickly regain his composure.

"Actually it's about the good deeds that (Y/N) has done for our school. He's beyond generous with aiding everyone," Crowley says but every words comes out sickly sweet. Like he's trying to con me into doing anything he wants me to do, it would've worked if I wasn't used to being a puppet for Hydra but Steve and T'Challa freed me.

"Is Crowley telling you how 'Gracious' he is, dad?"

Crowley practically jumps three feet in the air and I looked over to my child who is now appears to be male. I've learned when (Y/N) was a baby to always ask when they're gender is unsure unlike Loki who always knew what gender they were.

"Also Crowley, my pronouns today are they/them I told you this this morning until further notice. You're lucky that you guessed it correctly," (Y/N) said before heading into the kitchen to make a drink for themselves and the child.

"My apologies," he says continues talking about how they prevent the high death count of the students that came here from overuse of magic.

"How many students tried to kill him," I asked and (Y/N) shot me a glare. "What?! I'm not wrong."

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," (Y/N) says as the pour a glass of ginger ale and rum.

"Heads up kid, T'Challa and Shuri will be here in a couple of hours," I call out. "And Peter-"

The elevator door opens and Spider teen himself practically teleports across the room. Word got to him faster than I thought.

"Are they back?! What happened," he asks until he see my son drinking his mixed drink.

"Hey cus, it's been a while," (Y/N) says and down his drink before getting tackled to the ground by my spider nephew.

"Was so worried! I would literally reopen the multiverse just to find you, and yes I accidentally caused our universe to collide with a few other universes and met two other versions of me which was super cool," Peter rambles which (Y/N) just hugs the poor boy.

"I'm alright, Spiderling-Kenobi. I'm back home," (Y/N) says soothingly as Peter calms down his ramblings. "Better?"

"Almost," Peter says before punching his cousin in the arm.


"Now I'm better," Peter declares before Cheka starts throwing tiny punches at him.

"Don't hurt my auntie, you bully," the tiny child cries out and I'm struggling to not laugh at the sight.

"Cheka, it's fine," (Y/N) says as he soothes the angry child. "I deserve that punch because of my disappearance to Night Raven."

"Still, he hurt you auntie," the lionish child says with a pout. It was honestly the most adorable thing I've seen. "No one hurts Auntie."

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