Deals with Devils

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I was just entering into adulthood around the time the deal was struck. Francis had been anxious for stability after the war settled down as he could feel control over his maritime empire slipping. Was this how Henry felt? That rampant feeling of powerlessness which ravages all souls can drive even the strongest to madness. It certainly did a number on everyone I knew.

To remedy this ailment, Francis sought to bolster his strength. And who else did he turn to than that devil Charles? In return for land in the Mediterranean, Brittany would bow down to a new master in all but name. All piracy on Spanish possessions was to end immediately and permanently. Brittany was also to allow Spain unconditional access to any ports under her banner.

I tried to make him see reason but he was hellbent on it. "I have no other choice," he said. Of course he did! An entire world of possibilities existed for him if only he would open his eyes and look for them. Even then I knew something terrible was sure to come from these arrangements. Maybe the Regent Governor was right to suspect foul play but wrongfully attributed it to us when it was that fiend who really did the old king in. But in all my years, I never found even a shred of evidence that he died of anything other than natural causes.

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