Chapter Five: Time with the wolves

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"Daddy, it's time!"

"Time for what princess?"

"You know, its 3:30. It's time for me to see my brothers. I am so excited, I miss them soooo much!" 

"Alright, alright. Inside voice please. Now come get on my back, Jake is meeting us at the treaty line."

"Otay!" I am very excited I miss my big brothers lots. Daddy and Rosie don't like me going over to see them, but I know they won't hurt me. They are my family, plus my dad and Billy would beat their butts if they hurt me! I giggled as daddy started running through the woods. I loved watching everything speed by. As he stopped I saw Jake in his wolf form, daddy tensed. 

"You can let me down now." I whispered in his ear. He tensed. "Jakey won't hurt me. I'm okay. I'll see you later." He slowly put me down, "I love you daddy." I left a kiss on his lips as I crossed the bridge they built for me. Jake bent down so I could climb on his back. I grabbed onto his fur and buried my face in it. Jake nodded to daddy before he took off.

 "Hi Jakey! I missed you! Are all of the boys there?" I could see him smile and felt him nod his head in response. "I'm sorry daddy didn't say hi, he's still scared to let me come see you guys. No matter how many times I tell him that I am perfectly safe with you guys." By time I was done, we were in front of Emily's house. I tried to jump off of Jake but I fell on my butt instead due to his height. 

"Now Elle, why did you do that?" 

"Paul! I missed you! And I am a big girl, thank you very much."

"Would you like some help up, big girl?" He had a smirk on his face as he put his hand out for me. 

"Of course I would like help." I stuck my tongue out at him as he pulled me up.

"Now for the fun part!" He lifted me above his head and began running around. I began giggling causing the others to come out of the house. "Put me down! I can't breathe. Laughing...too...much!" 

"If you're talking, you're breathing. Nice try though." He set me down in the grass and just as I thought I was free, Seth came over and began tickling me. Oh no not again. 

"Guys stop I have to pee!" That got them to stop real quick, not wanting me to have an accident. I stood up and dusted my butt off. "Are you guys done being meanies?"

"We were never being meanies in the first place, Ellie."

"Yes you were Seth. I could've died."

"You were laughing and talking so you were breathing just fine." I rolled my eyes as I began walking to the cottage. "Emily!" I yelled as I ran to hug her. 

"Someone's excited to see me." 

"Of course I am. You are my favorite cook."

"Thank you, Ellie. I made cinnamon rolls, and french toast just for you." 

"Emily, the boys need to eat too."

"I think they'll be okay." All of the boys began pouting and I giggled. "Em, I think they should eat so they can be big and strong to stop the bad vamps." I whispered in Emily's ear even though the boys could hear me. 

"I suppose, only because you said so though." She set the food out on the table and Paul set me in my high chair. He cut up my food so I could eat it, and Emily placed a sippy cup full of strawberry milk in front of me. 

"Can we go to the beach today?" 

"I think that is a great idea!" Sam was the first to respond. "I'll go get your beach stuff together Ellie." Emily rushed out of the kitchen. 

"Yay! We're going to the beach! I can go swimming like a big girl!"

"Elena, you know that you need to wear a life jacket when you go swimming. Jasper would kill us if he knew we let you in the water without one."

"He doesn't have to know, Embry."

"We would have to tell him. If we didn't he would find out some other way and then we wouldn't be able to see you anymore, because we couldn't keep you safe."

"I guess that makes sense." 

"Come on Angel, let's get you changed." She led me to the bathroom where she helped me change into my swimsuit. I put my clothes back on over it while I waited to go swimming. The boys helped Emily do the dishes, which took forever. Then they had to get ready to go. I felt like I was going to be 1,000 years old by time they were done. Once everyone was ready to go Seth gave me a piggyback ride as we walked to the beach. 

Once we arrived I noticed Bella and some of her friends were there. "Guys, maybe we should go home." I got nervous not wanting to deal with my sister and her bullying. 

"Elena, we are not going anywhere, this beach is on the res, the res is our land we belong here. If anyone is leaving it will be her and her friends." 

"Otay, Sam." Emily helped me put on my life jacket and we went in the water together. It was cold but not too cold. It was my favorite. 

"Emily, they are staring at us. Daddy says it's rude to stare."

"It is rude Angel, just ignore them. You are here to have fun with us and that is all that matters. You wanna go watch the boys play soccer." 

"Of course!" Emily wrapped me in a towel and set me down on a log. It was much colder out of the water. Seth left the game to come hug me to give me warmth I was very grateful. I looked up and noticed Bella walk over. 

"Hey Jake, can I talk to you?"

"I'm busy right now. I'm hanging out with some friends." 

She looked over at me and her face looked disgusted, "What is she doing here?"

Paul spoke up this time beginning to shake. "I think you should go back to your friends. We were just getting ready to go." 

I tugged on his shorts "It's okay Paulie, just calm down." 

"You guys are wasting your time with her, she is a freak." 

"Isabella we know who you are and what you have done to Elena, you are not welcome here and I suggest you leave." I had never seen Emily that angry before. Bella realized she wasn't going to win and turned around towards her friends. 

"Thanks guys! I love you guys!" 

"We love you too princess. We will always stick up for you." Seth had a big smile on his face as he spoke. 

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