Chapter Ten: Big Elena

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"Sweetie its time to wake up. You have to get ready for school."

"No school."

"Elena, you have already missed two days." I still don't see his point, they could teach me better than any of those people at school could. "If you don't get out of the bed, I'll tell Esme no strawberry milk for you." Before he could finish speaking I was walking towards the bathroom.

"I knew that would get you up." 

"Daddy, that is not nice. You can't do that to me." 

"What can't I do?"

"Tell Esme I can't have strawberry milk."

"Would you like to test that theory?" I shook my head no really fast. I walked in the bathroom and waited for daddy to come help me get ready. 

"Thank you for waiting." I nodded my head and daddy started to wet my toothbrush. After he put toothpaste on the brush I opened my mouth so he could brush my teeth. He finished and wiped my face. He took me off the counter and helped me get dressed. "All ready. Ready for breakfast?"

"Of course!" He picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. I could smell the bacon it was heavenly. "Morning grandma!" 

"Good morning princess." She set a plate down in front of me. It had cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon, and a biscuit. Then she turned around and handed me a sippy cup with strawberry milk. I started eating my food making sure to eat small bites so I didn't choke. Daddy was looking at me with a smile on his face. He was proud of me for eating properly. Once I finished daddy wiped my face and hands off. 

"Well it is time for you guys to get going. I will see you when you get home. Grandma kissed my forehead and then we walked towards the garage. Today we went with Eddie and Ali. Daddy set my car seat in the back and put me in it. He buckled me up and slid in next to me. "You guys ready back there?" 

"Yeah we can go." Eddie pulled out of the garage and Emme and Rosie followed us. As the school came into view I got anxious. I didn't want to go to school today because I had a scary dream and something bad happened. I don't want it to come true. 

"Ready to go to class?"

"Yeah, daddy can I have my paci?" He went in his bag and pulled one out. He slipped it in my mouth and we began walking to class. Daddy didn't carry me today but he made sure I was holding his hand. We sat down in class and put my head down. I know daddy could tell something was wrong, I mean he can feel my emotions but I know he won't say anything until I'm ready to talk to him about it. 

Bella walked in the classroom and instantly glared. She could see my paci and started sucking on her thumb and then laughing. I kept me head down the rest of class. During the next few class periods I did the same. I didn't want lunch to come I just wanted to sleep through it. 

Then it was time. Me and daddy got to our table first I slowly removed my lunch from bag. I took my paci out and sat it on the table. Everyone was sitting at the table now and I know they were worried about me. I look up and see her enter the lunch room. She starts walking over to our table. I leaned into daddy as she approached. 

"Aww is the little baby scared? I mean you can't even defend yourself. Your just a worthless little baby. I don't even understand why they like you, I would be so much better." I started shaking but not out of fear out of anger, pure rage. She went to yank my ponytail and big Elena came out. She is not defenseless. Everyone looked as though they wanted to kill Bella. Stood up and punched Bella square in her face. Her nose was oozing blood. My family weren't worried about exposing themselves from Bella's blood. They were worried about me and what I might be capable of.  She went to kick me but then I grabbed her leg twisting it so she fell. I got on top her and started hitting her over and over again. "YOU THINK YOU CAN COME HERE AND TRY TO STEAL MY LIFE! STEAL MY FAMILY? YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THE JOY OF HAVING THE LOVE OF THE PEOPLE I LOVE! YOU'RE THE WORTHLOSS ONE!" I felt myself being pulled off of her I didn't have the energy to fight anymore. I know I was covered in spatters of blood. "Elena, I have an outfit for you." I knew it was Rose carrying me and now Alice was going to help me get dressed. "Sweetie, we have to go okay. Rose is going to carry you to the car."

As Rose picked me up again I began sobbing. What did I just do? What if I killed her? Do I feel bad? Rose set me down and I felt daddy sliding me into his lap. He didn't say anything he just held me there. I kept crying his shirt was now soaked and its all my fault. We got home and he carried me up to his room. He sat me down on the bed and changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. "You want to wear one of daddy's hoodies?"

I nodded my head yes. He handed me my favorite out of all his sweatshirts. He laid me on the bed and snuggled next to me. 

"Why don't you take a nap? Once your done we can process through what happened." I was asleep before he finished talking. 

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