Chapter Seventeen: Hope

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I don't remember falling asleep but when I woke up I was in my pjs in my crib. I stretched and sat up. I knew Daddy would be in here soon once he heard me moving. "Good morning princess. I hope you slept well."
"Well, I must've because I don't remember falling asleep." I giggled as Daddy lifted me up and kissed my nose.
"You fell asleep around 10 and the boys went home. They are coming by later though to hang out."
"Otay." Daddy brought me to the bathroom and went through my morning routine. Once I was dressed he carried me downstairs and sat me at the table. Everyone was already sitting there. "Good morning everyone."
"Good morning princess." Emmett was the first to respond.
"I was thinking since the wolves are coming over later we could go out as a family and do something. We have not done that in a while. What do you think?"
"What are we gonna do Grandpa?"
"I was thinking we could go to the movies. How does that sound?"
"That sounds amazing? Can I get popcorn and candy? Ooo and a slushie?"
"Of course you can!"
"Emmett that's a lot of sugar. Are you sure you want to deal with a hyper Elena?"
"Technically the wolves will have to deal with a hyper Elena." He had a big grin on his face as he spoke to Daddy.

"I won't be bad."

"No one is saying that but we all know that much sugar will cause you to be super energetic. You will be running around everywhere." Daddy had a big smile on his face while he spoke. 

"I guess." Once I finished eating we all got loaded up into cars. It was really nice to go out like this. With everything that's been happening we haven't been able to do this in a while. We used to go out as a family all of the time. It seems like forever ago now but its only been a couple of months. Now it seems like the only time we are together is at school. I can't even say at home anymore because everyone is always doing their own thing. 

I have to start school again in a couple of days. Now I will be going to school on the Res. But at least I get to see the pack everyday now. 

When we got to the theater we bought tickets to see the new Paw Patrol movie. I got to eat popcorn, recess pieces, and a slushie. I sat in between Daddy and Aunty Rosie. Uncle Emmy was next her then Aunty Ali and Grandma and Grandpa. It was a good movie. I was really tired when it was over there. I fell asleep on the car ride home. 

"Princess, you can take a nap before the wolves come over. Do you want to do that?"

"Mhmm." I expected Daddy to take me to my room and put me in my crib but he took me to his room and cuddled with me in his bed. It was nice. He placed a paci in my mouth and held me as I drifted off to sleep. 

"Elena, I know that my brother came to speak to you. I just want you to know that I will not let him hurt you or those you care about. He is stuck in his ways but obviously the ancestors want different. I promise you that I will help you in any way I can. I know that you now have 13 days and I will not let him make you choose. I am trying to work with ancestors so we can stop him. He is very powerful."

"Thank you Nona. I really appreciate it. It would destroy me and both of my families if I was forced to choose."

"I know little one. We will speak soon. Take care." She kissed my forehead which caused me to giggle and wake up. 

"How was your nap princess?"

"It was good." 

"Well the boys just got here so you woke up just in time." 

"That's good. I told you I wouldn't be hyper." 

"You did didn't you?"

"Yep!" I gave daddy a kiss and climbed off of the bed. I walked downstairs and could hear the boys talking.

"Pauly!" I ran to him and jumped in his arms. 

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes I am."

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