Chapter Twenty: Together

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So this chapter is going to be on the longer side and a lot is going to be revealed. I was going to split it into two parts but once I got my idea I started writing and couldn't stop. I really hope you enjoy this chapter and what I have done with this story. Thanks for your support. 

"What abilities?" Sam looked so lost as I spoke.

"Oh yeah, so I basically can do everything you guys can do except shift. Earlier I raced in the woods with Emmett, Paul, Seth, and Jared. I beat all of them and was even able to shove Emmett into a tree. It was awesome! I also don't have your guys' extreme appetite. Also when I spoke with Winona she told me that the ancestors wanted me to defeat Ahiga so they chose to gift me with these abilities to help me. She also mentioned that they have never seen bonds as strong as I have with all of you. And without any of us realizing it I have already begun to bring you guys together. You guys are actually comfortable around each other now. Your scents don't disgust each other and you do not feel the need to be on edge all of the time."

I noticed everyone looking around at each other really taking in what I said. Winona was right it has already started happening. I mean Emmett raced with three of the wolves today. Esme helped me cook food for everyone and on my birthday they were all here together. This wasn't just my family we were all a big dysfunctional family. I will die fighting for this family. I may not be able to get all shifters to be comfortable with cold ones but as long as my family is together I really don't care. I love my family and I am glad they are starting to care about each other.

"She's right you know. I used to hate all cold ones but now I can't even bring myself to insult you guys. I can't even think about hurting any of you. It's like we are all a family like one pack." Paul spoke up first shocking everyone because he has never been fond of the vampires especially the Cullens because he felt like they stole me from him.

"You guys don't smell like wet dog anymore more like a woodsy scent. I don't feel threatened anymore honestly I feel safe with all of you around." Rosalie was looking around at all of the wolves as she spoke.

"So, how do we go about defeating a spirit that only Ellie has seen?"

"That is a very good question Seth. I can't control when I see him either it's like I only see him when he wants me to see him. But it's the same with Winona. I think I need to go to the res so I can speak to Uncle Billy and Harry. They might have some answers for me. Has anyone heard from Jake?"

"I'm sorry El no one has heard anything. He'll come home, we all know he can't be away from you for long." Sam tried to reassure me as he spoke but I knew something was up. 

I will be back soon but I am going to go visit Uncle Billy. I love all of you and if anything happens I will tell him to call you or I will call you myself. Bye guys!" Before anyone could say anything I took off running to Uncle Billy's house it was much easier with my new found speed. As I approached his home I got nervous. I don't know why this is practically my second home since I was a baby but something felt off. I knocked on the front door and waited for Billy to answer. It's funny how now it feels like he took a million years to open the door but in reality he took the same amount of time as usual.

"I was wondering when you were going to come here. What took you so long?"

"I learned some new things and had to speak to my family." I looked around and noticed that Sue and Harry were here already. "Winona told me to tell you that your prayers were answered. I guess I have you to thank for my gifts. Now I love you Uncle Billy but I know something is up what is going on?"

"It's easier if I show you. Come on." He started wheeling himself towards Jake's room I was confused until he opened the door. Jacob was laying on his bed with all kinds of wounds all over his body. I was in shock he was shouting and thrashing around. I couldn't understand what he was saying it sounded like he was arguing with someone.

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