new school new chapter

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__"Wednesdays child is full of woe"I


Footsteps swarmed through the halls as alura and Wednesday walked in ,one twin in the left side and the other one on the right,they were never separated, it was like there bond was so unbearable to break that they can't even have 2 seconds without each other missing one another, They walked up to pugsleys looker , alura opened it ,and surprisingly pugsley was in there with an apple in his mouth,before pugsley could fall on the floor alura caught him on time,while Wednesday was untying pugsley alura asked "we want names" Pugsley frantically said in response"i don't know who they were ,honest! ,it happened so fast" , Wednesday responded with a cold but feirce answer "pugsley, emotion equals weakness, pull yourself together ,now",pugsley whimpers

Wednesday and alura was trying to untie the nots, suddenly a vision struck the twins ,breaking there necks in the process
The vision showed them how the jocks tied pugsley together and how they thrown him in the locker ,shutting it,at this point the twins were furious and wanted revenge, Wednesday told "leave this to us" , pugsley responded worried that there going to do something that will cause them to change schools again "Wednesday? Alura?What are you gonna do?", the twins responded with a cold tone making pugsley worried "what we do best".

Wednesday walked up the stairs ,as alura in the other hand was locking the doors so they wont escape while Wednesday did the torture , as soon as Wednesday was facing the jocks ,alura walked and went up beside Wednesday , standing next to each other
The jocks noticed that the twins were behind them ,one of the jocks shouted "yo,dalton,look ,its pigsleys sister's ",the other jocks responded making fun of us in the process"hey freaks,this is a closed practise " the jocks laughed at the response , alura and Wednesday were furious and responded with a fierce tone " the only person who gets to torture our brothers is us" they informed in sync,the twins held up a bag full of paranas ,everyone saw and freaked out,before they could get off the pool ,Wednesday and alura dropped the bags in the pool and stand as the paranas bite the swim team alive


Mother and father sended us to a boarding school called nevermore,I hated it already ,the idea of having a roomate and going to the same school as were my father and mother met ,mother and father was singing infront of us while they flirt and kiss ,disgusting,mother asked us "darlings, how long do you both intend on giving us the cold shoulder? " Wednesday told lurch "lurch ,please tell my parents that were no longer speaking to them" Wednesday said coldy ,father responded with somehow a happy tone "I promise you ,my little vipers ,both of you will love nevermore,won't they tish" suddenly as mother heard her name she responded "of course ,it's the perfect school for them" ,Wednesday argued with that response and told them "why? Because it was the perfect school for you? " i knew what Wednesday was about to say so i finished it "we have no interest in following your Footsteps, becoming captain of the fencing team,Queen of the dark prom ,president of the séance society ",mother listened at my response and responded "I merely meant that finally you will be among the peers who understand you.maybe both of you will even make some friends" mother smiled at that idea of us making friends, father implied "nevermore is like no other boarding school ,its a magical place,its where i met your mother and we fell in love"as soon as father told that they begun flirting again,Wednesday and i was disgusted, before they could kiss I interrupted "you guys are making us nauseous " Wednesday implied "not in a good way" mother responded in a serious way "darlings, we aren't the ones who got you expelled,that boys family was going to file attempted murder charges,how would that look on your record " I responded with a cold tone "terrible, everyone would know we failed to get the job done" I saw mother's face ,I could tell that wasn't what she meant

Later that evening ....

We arrived at nevermore, we were in principle weems office ,"Wednesday is certainly a unique name,I'm guessing it was the day you were born?" Wednesday responded codly "alura and i was born on Friday the 13th." mother added "her name comes from a line from my favourite nursery rhyme ,Wednesday's child is full of woe" ,principal weems was impressed "you always had a unique perspective on the world morticia ,did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?",I asked sincerely but my question was sarcastic "and you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday added "impressive",principal weems checked something in her desk a paper some sort "you've certainly had a very interesting educational journey, eight schools in five years" Wednesday and i responded together "they haven't built one strong enough to hold us, we bet this place is any different" ,father heard what we said and told principal weems "what our daughters were trying to say,is that there greatly appreciates the opportunity ",principal weems responded while looking in our records "nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid term,but given there perfect grades and there family's long history with the school ,I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception " mother and father smiled, mean while me and Wednesday were not so happy ,mother asked a question "larissa, what about there ,um..therapy sessions?the court ordered them" Mother said it like she didn't want to ,like it was embarrassing ,principal weems responded putting her arm on the table "hmm,the school has a relationship with a therapist in jericho,she can meet twice a week ",father told us"did you hear that ,my little storm clouds? Both of you are in excellent hands",Wednesday and i responded "we'll see if she survives the first session",silent cross the room principal weems broke the silence and speaked "I've assigned Wednesday to morticias old dorm room"
A/N:HEY ,I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I couldn't finish this one bc it was already getting long, thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you will like the next one

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