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__"Wednesday's child is full of woe"II


Principal weems leaded us to Wednesday dorm room, apparently she has a roommate ,so me and Wednesday will be separated, once principal weems finds a dorm room that is free for me to sleep in ,for now of course I'll be sharing a bed with Wednesday, much more better than getting separated, principal weems opened the door ,once I stepped foot inside the dorm I already see a girl with white hair,the white girl stands up from her seat and greets me and Wednesday "howdy ,roomie!" She exclaimed with excitement in her voice ,principal weems introduced the girl as Enid sinclair,"Wednesday this is Enid sinclair ",Enid commented"are you feeling okay?you look a little pale,so do you" she says glaring at Wednesday and me, father explains "they always look half dead",she was about to hug Wednesday but she stepped back avoiding the hug ,she was about to do the same to me but i interrupted her and told her "don't even think about it" I said coldy, Enid disappointed said "not a huggers ,got it" still smiling, mother added "please excuse them,there allergic to color",Enid responses confused but also worried "but the other girl is wearing ,red ",mother explained that I'm different "alura likes dark colors like red ,black, and blu ,she hates vibrant colour ", Enid asking another question "what happens to them?",Wednesday and I responded together saying coldy "we break out into hives and the flesh peels off our skin",principal weems was glad that she was prepared "luckily,we've special ordered both of you a uniform "she says smiling and chuckles at the end of her sentence.


Enid was giving us a tour ,me and Wednesday was already wearing the uniforms ,atleast the good thing is that the uniform was black ,Enid opened the door and showed us what she calls the 'quad',Wednesday exclaim saying that "its a pentagon ","the whole snarky goth girl thing might have work at normi school but here's are different,let me give you a wiki on nevermores social scene" Enid responded with a happy and cheerful tone ,Enid walking away me and Wednesday followed knowing this part of her 'little show' , Wednesday commented saying "I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescents clichés ",Enid chuckles of the responded "we'll,then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain,there are many flavors of outcast here,but the four main cliques are fangs ,furs,stoners and scales",Enid stopped on her tracks and pointed at a table of people with cups full of blood ,"does are fangs aka vampires,some of them literally been here for decades", walking again to another table ,Enid pointed to another group of people "that bunch of knuckleheads are furs aka werewolves, like me!full moons get pretty loud around here, thats when furs wolf out,i suggests you pick up noise cancelling headphones" As Enid says that they start howling like it's a bloody full moon , as that we see 3 girls near the fountain "I assume scales are sirens" I say codly ,knowing I'm not going to fit in because of my species, " and that girl ,bianca barclay,is the closest thing nevermore has to royalty, although her crown has been slipping lately, she used to date our resident tortured artist ,xavier thorpe,but they broke up the beginning of the semester, reason unknown" Enid saying that pointed to a guy, suddenly I got butterflies Wednesday spoke "fascinating " suddenly as soon as Enid heard her responses she responded back by saying "I know right ,my vlog is like the number one source for nevermore gossip",I heard a loud voice coming near Enid a tall dude with a hat said "yo,Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roomate and her sister ,they eat humen flesh,totally chowed down on that kid that they murdered,you better watch your back" I was offended when he said that, we have, never eaten human flesh ,Enid moving revealing me and Wednesday standing behind her , Wednesday and I added "quite the contrary, we actually fillet the bodies of our victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets" saying that with flair and annoyance in our voice ,Enid introduced us to him as ajax "ajax this is my new roomate and her sister Wednesday and alura ,alura is just staying in until principal weems can find her a vacant dorm room",Enid saying that made ajax amazed I could see that his amazed and confused at the same time saying "whoa,there in black and white,like a living Instagram filter " ajax saying that Enid added saying "ignore him" as they chit chat I could see in the far distance the boy ,I guess his name xavier ,staring at me ,I looked back and we made Eye contact ,something in me makes me blush uncontrollably, he was tall ,light and handsome, as I hear Wednesday walk off I followed her breaking eye contact with xavier

Later on.......

We go to father and mother ,I see pugsleys little face I knew he was sad and emotional, we walk up to mother and father ,once father saw us ,saying it brings him back so many memories when he was still in nevermore, mother told pugsley and father to get inside the car ,I'm guessing she wants to speak with us privately, before pugsley could get inside the car he hugs me and Wednesday as saying goodbye and he will miss us,Wednesday saying coldy after pugsley hugging us "pugsley you're soft and weak ,you'll never survive without is ,we will give you two months tops "Wednesday saying that pugsley replied with sadness in his voice "I'm going to miss you to sis ",mother added "any plans both of you have of running away end right now,I've alerted all family members to contact me the minute you darken their doorstep ,you have nowhere to go" , Wednesday responded saying "as usual you underestimate us mother, we will escape, even if you separate me and alura ,I will find another way to get her back ,and we will escape this educational penitentiary together and you will never hear from us again" mother sighs in Wednesday responses "you are both brilliant girls ,Wednesday and alura,but sometimes you two get in your own way,I'm sure you'll grow to love nevermore and find it as life charging as i did" mother saying that handed us a necklace saying "oh ,I got both of you a little something, W,M and if you spin it you will see A,its made of obsidian, which aztec preists used to conjure visions,its is a symbol of our connection "mother saying that handed me and Wednesday a necklace, I spin the necklace around and mother wasn't lying ,I saw my initial, A ,i saw Wednesday looking at it like she was disgusted saying " which one of your spirits suggested this toe -curling tchotchke ?" ,I added saying " were not you mother, we will never fall in love or be a housewife ,or have a family "

I saw mother's eyes I knew what she meant ,I will fall inlove ,I won't be a housewife ,and someone will love me as much as mother and father loves me, they will love me till the end of time ,loving me with all my little imperfections ,who will love me who I really am ,and i may know who that is
Maybe ...........maybe not

To be continued ..........

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