we meet again

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__"Wednesday's child is full of woe"III


I had fencing class with Wednesday and we were kinda late ,me and Wednesday walked in ,i see others was already competing each other ,we walked past by people competing,and one of them took of their mask off,I saw him again ,the cute boy from yesterday, I got butterflies,I saw a boy tripped and the person he was competing with was a black girl ,the boy shouted saying it was foul play "coach ,coach ,she tripped me " he says accusing it was foul play,"it was a clean strike ,rowan "coach saying in a serious tone ,apparently the boys name is rowan ,rowan kept on whining he was like a little bitch who can't keep his mouth shut for a minute, the black girl implied "maybe if you whined less and practiced more ,you wouldn't suck,seriously coach, when am i gonna get real competition" ,I guess that the self appointed Queen bee,"anyone else want to challenge me " once she said that I responded "I do" coldy ,I won alot of fencing competitions ,how hard will this be?,once I responded the girl looked at me like I killed her Mother "oh you must be the psychopaths they let in " I was annoyed of what she said ,I responded with annoyance in my voice "you must be the self appointed Queen bee,interesting thing about bees ,pull out there stingers, they drop dead" after i responded I heard fencers whispering , some amazed ,seeing the girls face I could tell she was getting annoyed "rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense, he's not helpless, he's lazy " after I heard what she said I reply saying " are we doing this or not?" I say coldly , she tillted her head ,guessing that's a signal telling me yes ,"en garde" coach says

I see the girl getting prepared, I didn't need to prepare ,I know I'm going to win,as always.......

We start the fight, it went easy but became difficult as it got longer ,she was about to point me ,I kneeled down and pointed her "point to alura" coach saying,people amazed ,guessing that no one beated miss Queen bee before ,another match begun ,she pointed me "the score is even " as soon as miss Queen bee heard that , she spoke and said "that first point was clearly beginner's luck,let's finish this " I heard her first sentence making me furious and i did the unthinkable I told coach that "for the final point I would like to invoke a military challenge, no masks, no tips,winner draws first blood" I heard other fencers getting worried,coach saying "it's your decision bianca" bianca didn't even think twice and said "let's see if you bleed in black and white " saying that she throws her mask to the floor ,I gave mine to xavier telling him "hold this please " I got butterflies when I told that ,I prepared myself, and we started, I duck under and kneeled down before she could hit me,I did it gracefully and smoothly ,before she could hit my feet I did a cartwheel and landed on my feet,and then I slapped my sword on her face ,I saw a long cut near her cheeks ,seeing that I smiled and said "I won bitch " I chuckle saying that

Later that night .........

I was walking to get back to my dorm room ,it was late and Wednesday was already ahead of me ,I heard something, I looked up and saw a statue about to fall on me ,well my dreams were coming true ,finally something good today ,besides the weather,before the statue could fall on me ,the last thing I remembered was someone pushing me away, and I heard my sister screaming my name

I woke up and stood up ,the first thing I saw was xavier ,before I could get off the bed ,he stopped me "just take it easy ,nurse said you dont have a concussion but probably have a nasty bump huh?" I sat back down on the bed I asked " where's Wednesday??the last thing i remember i was walking outside " I wondered, why wasn't she next to me when I woke up??, he replied saying " Wednesday will be back she was just going to do something " I was curious ,why did he save me ??,we Bearley know each other???, so I asked " why did you save me from the gargoyle??" I asked with confusion in my face, he responded saying "call it instinct" as he said that ,I smiled ,when I relize I was smiling i stop ,fuck I'm so dead , but when I saw him,he was smiling "you are not like your sister " he says smiling , I responded "we aren't the same ,I'm more soft than her ,I smile more ,I wear dark clothes beside black and white ", he smiles saying " you two are alot different,good to see you haven't change ,if it makes you any better ,let just say i returned the favor",the last part got me intrigued, what did I do???,"xavier thorpe ?"He says, I was still clueless nothing clicked to me yet he continued talking and said "you probably don't remember me, last time we met ,I was 2 feet shorter, 40 pounds heavier" still nothing clicked so I asked "what happened the last time we met?" He explains that "it...was my godmother's funeral, she was freinds with your grandmother and they spent their twenties in Europe swindling the rich and notorious, I don't know but we were ten ,and we were bored,decided to play hide and seek" finally something clicked he continued to detail what happened that day saying " I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket,I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium" him saying that made me smile and I almost laughed I explained the other details saying "I'd heard muffled screams,I just figured your godmother had cheated death, and was trying to claw her way out" saying that trying so hard not to laugh ,he responded saying " either way you hit the big red stop button, and saved me from being flame-broiled, so now we're even" I laughed ,those memories were great, it gave me butterflies spending time with him

To be continued.........

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