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__"Freind or Woe" I


I was sleeping peacefully, until I heard a knock on the door ,I woke up from the noise, I put on my slippers frustrated, I march to the door ready to scream at the person who woke me up ,I open the door and saw Wednesday, right infront of me ,"what are you doing here?!" I said whispering but still screaming a bit,I pull her inside, "come with me ,and get change" Wednesday says ,she didn't even explain what she's doing here ,but I'll come with her anyways , "fine,but before i change be quite, xavier is sleeping" I say pointing to sleepy xavier,i went inside my closet and changed out of my pajamas

I was sleeping peacefully, until I heard a knock on the door ,I woke up from the noise, I put on my slippers frustrated, I march to the door ready to scream at the person who woke me up ,I open the door and saw Wednesday, right infront of me ,"wha...

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I put on my shoes and went out the door ,we started walking down the stairs, tip toeing trying to be quite , we went under the stairs near a statue, I was confused, why did Wednesday want me to come just to see a statue?,"why did I ven come just for you to look at a statue?" I say out of confusion, "just wait ,be patient " Wednesday replies still looking at the book of what the statue was holding, I sit on the ground waiting for her

A minute goes by.....

"Stand up ,I have something to show you " Wednesday says out of the blue ,I stand up from where I was ,I go up to her, "what is it?" I say as I look at the paper in her hands ,I look at her ,she looks at me,we snap twice , a secret passage opens ,my eyes widen by suprise, I stand by so I don't get hit ,the door opens and I see stairs leading down to somewhere ,"follow me" Wednesday says signaling me to go down with her ,I look at stairs before I eventually agreed to it

We started walking down the stairs ,and it seemed endless,until I saw a little light coming from the corner, I speed down the stairs, once we got down the stairs ,we were in some sort of room ,we looked around, all we saw
Was a shelfs full of books and portraits, I went up to the bookshelf that Wednesday was near ,suddenly everything turned black ,all I could see was pitch black

Several minutes go by.....

I started to wake up after being unconscious for who knows how long ,I blink uncontrollably trying to clear my blurry vision ,I heard a manly and dark voice saying "who dares breach our inner sanctum" ,I looked around, they were dressed like they were in a cult ,"you could take the mask of bianca " says my sister in a monotone voice, I await as the people take off there disguise, I look next to me and I see xavier ,I look at him shocked, eyes widen by suprise, "xavier?!" I say slightly screaming ,he looks at me concerned, "alura?!" He says slightly screaming back, "I thought it was only Wednesday " he says looking at bianca angrily, bianca notices xaviers look and looked away ,"wait ,wait ,the last time I saw you ,you were asleep at the bed " I say confused and annoyed at the same time,I see ajax smirking in the corner of my eye ,"oohh~ so yall are sleeping together now?~" ajax says teasing me ,I rolled my eyes,xavier looks at me and Wednesday confused and says "the question is ,how did you get down here ,both of you" he says while lifting one of his brow and crossing his arms, Wednesday and I reply in sync "rowan showed us" ,everyone looked completely confused, until Wednesday said "aluras left pocket " xavier looked at me and dig into my left pocket ,he finds a paper folded up ,he unfolds the paper and sees a drawing, Wednesday explained" I tracked the watermark to the poe cup statue then I solved the riddle" suddenly someone said "wait ,there's a riddle? I thought we just snap twice " it seems like his not the brightest in the group ,"well aren't you the brightest in the bunch " I say kind of sarcastic but also serious, bianca then explained " the nightshades are an elite social club ,emphasis on elite" ,I rolled eyes ,like we asked for an explanation, a vampire than says "we have roof parties,campouts,the occasional midnight skinny-dip" another added saying "and yoko's an amateur mixologist " ,ajax then grins saying " she makes a killer virgin can get pretty wild " he chuckles softly, I get disgusted and had this look on my face

Wednesday than says " you guys even have a bedtime?last I heard, the nightshades had been disbanded " ,xavier than responded "ya ,the group kinda lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died " yoko then added "but we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves" my sister then asked a question out of the blue "someone like rowan?" Bianca then says "we booted that loser last semester ,question is ,what are we going to do with them? Only members are allowed in this library" As xavier heard that he started thinking before saying "I say we invite them to pledge", suddenly someone said "what?" ,I look at bianca and she looked furious, xavier than continued saying "they are a legacy" he points to a portrait of mother and father ,I look at it before I heard bianca talking "after the crap they pulled in the poe cup,there's no way in hell,we talk about not making waves? There a tsunami","just because we beat you at your own game,let me save you the trouble, I'm not interested in joining, but idk to alura" she says looking at me ,yoko then says " you're seriously turning us down?" Then my sister responded sarcastically "can you believe it?", xavier looks at me and then says "how about you?" I responded quickly "what about me?" He raised an eyebrow "you want to join us?" He says still crossed armed ,I started to think ,if I join I will be with him everyday ,and bianca could stop annoying him ,so she could also stop the idea of them being together again ,"fine" I say ,xavier then smiles at me ,"untie them" bianca say out of frustration, "we freed ourselves five minutes ago" Wednesday and I say together in sync, as Wednesday was leaving ,one of them blocked her way "Do you want a matching black eye?" She says coldy before handing me the rope ,I give it to xavier ,he puts it away

1 hour later .....

I was getting super tired and poked xaviers shoulder, I yawned signaling him that I was getting sleepy "guys we have to go alura is getting sleepy " he says as he holds my hand and lead me up the stairs, we go back to our dorm and we change back to our pajamas ,I layed on the bed waiting for him ,he comes back with his hair down ,I started blushing, I admit he looks so much more cute when his hair is down ,he then looks at me ,he smirked seeing my face bright red ,he leans down to me on the bed before kissing me passionately

I was getting sleepy, due to my sleepiness I flutter my eyes uncontrollably ,trying to stay awake ,still wating for xavier, he was doing his homework,I say sleepy and tired "can we sleep now?" As I say that I yawn and rub my eyes ,he chuckles softly before getting up "your to cute to say no ,yes ,we can go to sleep now" he says ,I smile softly and lay down ,he lays down next to me ,we cuddled each other till we drift off asleep...

To be continued......
A/N: I am so sorry!!! This was late on publish bc I am busy with school ,I am so sorry for late publish ,ill make it up to you guys, but as a reminder, the pictures here in this chapter are from ,PINTEREST, thank you for being patient 😊

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