🥀☁️They hate me..☁️🥀

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angsty fluff for thou <33

TW: Swearing, (Not really mean) Bakusquad, Súïçîdê Mentions/Thoughts, S3lf H@rm

Bakugou POV:

I sat on the couch in the common room as the self-proclaimed Bakusquad spoke amongst each other. For some odd reason, none of them seemed to want to talk to me. Besides Shitty Hair, though. He kept trying to force me into the conversation.

Ashido: "Hey what about that one time Kaminari got stuck under the sink?" She spoke through giggles, "That was hilarious!"

Kaminari playfully got offended, "Hey! I was stuck under there for almost 2 hours!"

Kirishima: "Yeah until Bakugou and I found you under there!" He looked over at me, "Wasn't it funny Bakugou?"

Once he said my name, the others looked at me as well. I could easily read their expressions. They were uneasy with a bit of fear. I crossed my arms and shrugged. "I guess."

Ashido: "Uh.. oh hey! What about that one time.."

And it went like this, over and over. Them talking about random shit, Kirishima trying to get me to talk, then they get scared of me and change the subject.

No one likes you.


You should kill yourself.

Fuck no.

Why not? They don't like you. They're scared of you.


Do it.


Kill yourself.

I got up, quickly walking upstairs and to my dorm. I heard them muttering as I walked away.

They're talking about you.

I know.

About how cruel you are.

I know.

I ran to the dresser, opening one of the drawers that had a small yet pretty sharp knife inside.

Do it. No one would care anyway. A useless person like you? You can't save anyone if you tried. Even if you did, you'd just scare them away.

Before I knew it, my sleeves were already rolled up with the knife to my skin. One cut..






I heard the door to my dorm swing open. I quickly turned, hiding my arm and the knife behind my back as I stared at the spikey red-haired male in front of me.

K: "Why are you crying, Bakugou..?"

Shit. I was crying? I raised my free hand up to my face, wiping my tears.

B: "It's fucking nothing. Go away."

K: "..Bakugou."

B: "What now?!"

K: "Why's there blood dripping from behind you?"

Fuck me already. Fucking kill me. Fuck fuck fuck!

B: "..Uh-"

K: "Show me your arm, Bakugou."

His voice wasn't his usual cheery, happy tone that he used on a day to day basis. It was stern, as if he could kill me at any second. That didn't seem like the worst idea..

Before I knew it, he already pulled my arm from behind me. He quickly took the knife from me, placing it on the dresser. He then stared at me.

His bright red eyes looked right knyo mine. They weren't cheerful, at all. But they still looked.. hot, in a way.

You don't deserve him.

I know..

Take the knife and kill yourself already.

Kirishima POV:

He tried to reach for the knife on the dresser. I quickly grabbed his wrists gently, avoiding his scars, and pulled him into a hug.

Surprisingly, it didn't take that long until he hugged me back, burying his face into my chest.

K: "Shh.. it's okay. It'll be okay, Bakugou.. I promise."

That must've hit him hard, since he started bawling immediately afterwards. I ruffled his hair with one hand, rubbing his back gently with the other.

He sniffled, pulling away. He went over to the door and locked it, hesitantly speaking.

B: "..C-Can you.. stay for a bit..?"

I smiled softly, "Of course. May I sit on your bed?"

He nodded, pushing me over. I chuckled, "Woah! Don't haveta push me."

B: "Shut up! ..I want you."

K: "..What-?"

B: "I said I want you."

K: "What do you mean by that?"

He sighed, "Are you that fucking sense? I have a crush on you. I have for a while. If you don't fucking like me.. or want to be friends with me anymore because of me being gay or some shit, then you can leave!"

I paused. I could hear the fear in his voice that he desperately tried to cover up with anger and confidence.

K: "No need. I like you too." I smiled, climbing onto the bed and pulling him on top of me.

B: "..Does that mean we can kiss, or whatever?"

I chuckled, "If you want to."

He kissed me. His lips felt so soft. I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him into the kiss as if he would disappear at any moment. Eventually, what felt like years of a kiss that was actually just a couple of seconds, ended.

K: "Hey.. Bakugou?"

He hummed in response, getting comfortable.

K: "Promise me you won't hurt yourself again."

There was a few seconds of silence, until he sighed.

B: "As long as you don't leave me, then.. I promise."

K: "I won't." I smiled.

B: "Don't fucking look at me like that you bitch! I'm still better than you, y'know! I don't need you looking down on me all the fucking time!"

K: "Bakugou-"

B: "Don't you dare look at me like that again!"

K: "Katsuki."

He paused, a light pink blush fading onto his face.

K: "Heh, gotcha."

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