He, who won

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The following weeks were spent in their team trying to corner and chase down the 'rogue' vampires whilst the newly bonded swords and their masters were doing their best to learn how to fight and work together.

Surprisingly or not, it was the easiest for Chan and Changbin. The two seemed to click immediately and only after a few trials and errors, they already fought together as if they'd been doing so for decades. Their chemistry, both as warriors and as characters, was almost flawless.

Whenever they had time to relax, they would always joke around with ease, and when they had to plan, their strategies were astonishingly good. They would spend countless nights brainstorming and figuring out the best methods to take the rogues in for an 'interrogation'. When battling against enemies, Chan was as sharp with his movements as Changin's venomous blade was.

They looked terrifying together, making the ground underneath everyone's feet tremble in fear at the sheer power and dominance they executed as a team. It was surely a whiplash, how whenever the two left the battlefield, they turned into these mellow and funny guys who took it upon themselves to make everyone feel lighter even in quite the heavy times.

Chan and Changbin definitely seemed to be meant and Hyunjin felt a weight he hadn't known existed, falling from his shoulders, as he saw how much happier his best friend was now that he had a comrade to stay by his side at all times.

Jeongin and Seungmin were, to simply say it-a beautiful team. Still though, it took them longer to get used to each other and even longer for Seungmin to trust Jeongin to wield him. There had been nights in which Hyunjin had had to comfort the younger vampire as Jeongin had kept repeating that he's a failure and not worthy of a master. Seungmin had feigned boredom whenever Jeongin pleaded with him to give him advice on how to be better for him.

It truly had been quite the turbulent times and even Felix was at loss with how to get his brother to break out of his shell. The team had started to get worried that it wouldn't work after all, that they might never work well together and their bond wouldn't be enough to get Seungmin to trust and that Jeongin would never be confident enough in using him as a weapon.

What had turned the table around was one especially malicious fight. They had all ended up separated from each other, fighting in different areas of the woods and being attacked by more and more ruthless rogues. Hyunjin didn't know too much about what exactly had happened but from what Jeongin had told him, when they were in a pinch, surrounded by a dozen of vampires, Seungmin had yelled in the younger's head, telling him to just leave the Blade, to pull out his regular weapon instead and fight everyone off, to stop risking his life for a bond that was unsalvageable.

However, Jeongin had gritted his teeth and with more determination than ever, he'd said that if he were to die, he'd prefer for it to be alongside his comrade, that even if Seungmin pushed their bond away, Jeongin would hold onto it ten times harder instead. He'd said that as his bloody hand gripped Seungmin's golden hilt harder and just as the rogues were about to attack all at once, Jeongin said he felt a light explode in his chest, almost like the one during the bonding ceremony.

After that, it was all almost a blur for the young vampire. By the time Jeongin had come to, all vampires were laying dead on the ground while he stood tall with his sword shining gold in his hand.

The fairies that had been watching the battle while they were hiding in the trees' branches would tell stories about the scary but beautiful vampire surrounded by golden light, about the way he killed with his Blade, the two looking as if they were dancing waltz together, stopping time around them just as they stopped the already unbeating hearts of the rogues with foaming mouths.

He, Who Lives By The Sword (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now