A bad case of the sickness bug

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Story summary: Basically, Hailey ends up really sick witch a stomach bug, and Jay is there to look after her.

Requested by: ( @upsteaddd3 )


It was around 1am when Jay woke up to the sound of what seemed like someone being sick. He rolled over in bed, only to be laying in a cold patch. The warmth of his girlfriend not being there, instead it was replaced by a cold, lonely feel.

"Hailey?" He called out tiredly as he sat up in bed. "Babe?" He called again, this time rubbing his eyes and getting to his feet, before heading towards the dimmed light that was in the bathroom.

"Woah, hey, what happened?" He asked and knelt down beside Hailey who was crying and being sick.

"I don't like being sick" Hailey mumbled, and held Jay's hand. "Bring it all up babe" he soothed, holding her hair back and holding her hand.

Jays comfort was the comfort she needed. Especially when she was sick. She hated it, any sort of medical attention too, it was always a big 'no' from Hailey.
Ever since she was a kid, if ever she was sick, she would get shouted at for it.
Which is a reason as to why, whenever she was sick, she would always end up being really emotional.

"I don't know why I'm being s-" she paused as she heaved into the toilet, squeezing Jay's hand as she did so.

"You're okay, I'm here," Jay replied, rubbing circles on the back of Hailey's small hand that was buried in his, with his thumb.

"I'm tired" Hailey whined, resting her head against Jay's chest, her eyes locked shut. "Babe, you're boiling" he said and Hailey whimpered in response.

"you're coming down with something" Jay clarified and Hailey shook her head, "no, no I don't wanna be sick" she whined and a few tears rolled from her eyes.

"I'm not leaving your side, okay?" He said and Hailey reluctantly nodded. "P-please I don't wanna be sick" she whined and Jay frowned.

"I don't want you to be sick either, but if we treat it right, you'll feel better" Jay said, sending her a soft, comforting smile.
"You think we can move off the bathroom floor?" He asked and Hailey nodded.

"Alright, if you change your mind tell me and we will stay here" Jay replied, holding Hailey's hand and slowly stood up, taking Hailey with him.

"My throat hurts" She said and Jay sympathetically frowned, "I'm not surprised, come on, let's get you back in bed. Then I'll get you some apple sau-"

"No, no I don't want food" Hailey whined as Jay tucked her back into bed. "Do you want some Gatorade then? We might have some of that" he said and Hailey shook her head.

"No, no I just don't want to be sick" Hailey mumbled. She clearly wasn't all with it. If anything at all she was tired and worn out.

It was gut wrenching to see Hailey so sick. Jay's only been awake with her for a rough 20 minutes and he could tell it was going to be a very long, upsetting day.

Jay sighed and placed a hand on her forehead, "Hailey, you're still burning up" he admitted in a loud whisper, "I'll be right back okay?" He added in a questioning tone, receiving a nod from his girlfriend.

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