He's never coming home

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Note: you will probably need tissues for this, however this is indeed for little corn child. You know who you are. Since Jesse has removed his bio from instagram, little corn child was being a little shit and decided to put the whole groupchat in emo era. So I wrote this. Specifically for her. 😇.


It's been a whole year, Jay was still in Bolivia due to his extension, and it's safe to say Hailey truly wasn't coping with it well.
There are nights where she would sleep, other nights where she wouldn't sleep for a second. Some nights she would drown her sorrows in drink, whiskey or tequila. It was one of the two.

Every night, as the clock striked 22:00, Hailey would leave a message before attempting to sleep. In hopes that the next morning, or sometime during the day, the name "Babe" would appear on her screen. It never did. All that appeared was "county Jail" which of course would be Sean, on her case, as if she didn't already have enough to deal with.

With Jay being gone, it made her feel like her old self. Sitting alone in her apartment, fantasising over the time where there was a possibility that Jay would come home from work with her. It was very clear the two of them were in love, and going home to empty apartments... it didn't really, feel real? Shall we say.

For example, the day they got together. Throughout that week Hailey wanted to start something between them. She wanted to ignite the spark they had. But it never happened until the end of the week. However that whole week, Hailey felt empty when she came home to a lonely apartment. She wanted to be with him, so badly. But she could never find the confidence to actually ask him. In her spare time she would imagine the two of them going home together. Laughing and smiling, wrapping themselves up in blankets on the couch, soft kisses and heavy kisses being exchanged. She wanted it all. She simply wanted him.

So, with Jay being gone, it made her feel lonely. As if she needed to isolate. She didn't seek for a support system, she didn't seek for any medical attention. She kept to herself..

Today though, everything changed.

It was extremely early in the morning, Hailey was just dozing off when there was a knock at the door. She lifted her head up and listened, figuring it was just a prank or something. However when there was another knock, Hailey groaned and got out of bed.

She swung her legs over the side, getting to her feet and grabbing a pair of sweats. She pulled them up her legs and reluctantly headed out of the bedroom.

"Alright!! Im coming" Hailey shouted, strolling through the apartment and grabbing the keys. She put the keys in the keyhole and turned them, swinging the door open to reveal a distressed Will Halstead.

"Will, it's 2am. Can you not read a digital clock" Hailey sassed, tiredly wiping her eyes. "Hailey, May I come in?" He asked, his voice quiet.

Hailey raised a brow out of confusion, the main reason him being here, obviously not clicking for her yet. I mean, what do you expect, it's 2 In the morning.

"Uh sure, sure yeah" Hailey mumbled, opening the door wider so he can walk inside. Instantly his eyes fell on the pictures of their wedding, pictures of them at work. Goofy selfies of each other and even ones where they were kids.

The brother thickly swallowed, knowing that Hailey really wasn't going to take the news well. "So, what's so important that you decide to bang on my door at 2 in the morning?" Hailey asked, walking into the kitchen and grabbing two glasses, filling them with filtered water from the refrigerator.

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