The Argument

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3rd person pov

Luz woke up first and headed downstairs, she seen Lucìas room door open, she walked over to it and seen Lucìa and Amelia cuddling sleeping. She decided to pick up the beer cans and bottle out of her eldest sisters room, she than went to check on Willow and seen she left. She did not think much of it than seen Gus covered in markers and then seen Amber and Luca laying in spereate beds sleeping. She cleaned Gus off and set Gus in the guest room than started making waffles. She finished them put them on plates and she had each plate a bit different than the other, she made each plate how the person would like it best. Then she made her self some eggs and orange juice!

Gus woke up eventually and seen Luz finishing up breakfast, he asked if she needed help and got a nod from Luz, so he did some cleaning and got some paper towels and then washed dishes from the day before. He seen Amelia walk out of Lucìas room and smirked, he knew he would use this as blackmail but then Luz went upstairs to grab the remote to the TV not knowing why it was upstairs.

Amber and Luca both woke up, they then turned and seen eachother they were right by eachothers faces and then they blushed hard at eachother.
Luca than quickly walked away into the kitchen and Amber covered her fave and turned flustered. Luz seen Luca and asked if he had the flu or something. He shook his head no and walked past Luz sitting down, Luz was kinda annoyed he didn't tell her what was wrong. "Great, everyone is awake now....except of course....Lucìa!" Luz thought to herself, she told everyone to keep inside voices as she went to get Lucìa up. She spotted Lucìas bat and grabbed it, she walked over to Lucìa and smacked her hard on the stomach and yelled "GET THE FUCK UP, YOU NEED TO GO TO BED EARLIER IF YOUR GONNA BE A LAZY BITCH!!" Lucìa than sat up, grabbed Luz by her throat and threw her across the room and Luz slammed into the wall.


Everyone heard a huge thud and hurried into Lucìas room to see Luz laying on the floor near the wall slowly getting up, everyone yelled at Lucìa and then Gus picked Luz up and took her into the bathroom cleaning her up. Lucìa remembered she had to put everyone's instruments away so she went to the car and put everyone's things away.
Mostly everyone ignored her the rest of the day thanks to the the morning incident. Lucìa didn't really care though, she just was tired and wanted her coffee that she never got.

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