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I seen Gus carrying me but my vision was quite blurry and I seen everyone yelling but could not pay attention to much of what they were saying, but I seen it was definitely Lucìa. I did not care that much and had a huge headache, I then got handed ice by Amity and Gus was holding my back waiting for a towel. He then placed the towel on my back and slowly applied some lotion, I felt a sting and yelled pretty loud. Amity then hugged me and was talking about how mad she was at Lucìa, I told her I was fine and not to be mad at anyone. Several minutes later I was up and walking out of the bathroom and looked out the window to see Lucìa unpacking our things from the concert the night before. I then waved, I seen her dark red ctesent eyes look at me ignoring me. I felt a little sad then decided to go upstairs and message Mami.


Hey Mami!

Hello Luz!

We are still over
Here at the stage
House, we will be
Home soon Mami!

How are Luca
And Lucìa??

Uhm, they are
Good, Lucìa kinda
Just hurt me, but
I am alright!

I will deal
With her when
You and them
Get home, stay

We will!
Bye Mami!


I sat down and smiled then started to draw and heard the door open, I seen Amity, I smiled and sat up than hugged her. I was so happy to see her! She leaned into me and started blushing hard, I was confused on why until I seen how close we were to eachother
then I just felt the urge to kiss her, so than we kissed. We closed our eyes and leaned into eachother more, I than stopped kissing her and looked into her bright golden eyes. I could see Amity starting to blush a lot, than Amelia opened the door and looked at us. "What kinda gay shit show is going on in here?" Amelia said laughing.
I looked at her annoyed but Amity looked at her older sister very angry and annoyed, she than stood up and threw a book at her hitting her nose. Amelia than stood up and grabbed Amity, "Amity will not be back for a week thanks to her throwing that at me!" Amelia said in a mean voice, cracking up. I frowned and looked at Amitys sad face. Amelia than grabbed her palisman and left with Amity, I than headed downstairs. To see Lucìa drinking some tea at the table, I decided to leave her alone not knowing if she was still angry or not. Gus than came up to me "are you feeling better Luz?" I nodded and then went to reading some books. Gus said he was gonna head home, but before he left I asked if he knew what happened to Willow, he said she went on a little date with a boy name "Hunter". I grinned, I started to come up with ideas than Gus left!
I decided to go sleep since it was already 7pm, and I was tired anyway.

3rd person pov

Luz went up to bed and laid down. As she laid down, Lucìa made a big crash. She had fallen off of the table and Luz jumped up and was to lazy to go check so she went back to bed. Lucìa got up rubbing her lower back hurting. She laid down on the couch to hurt to go to her room, than slept hurting, and she messaged Amelia asking "Where did you and Amity go?" before sleeping.

The Burning Hearts dreams (Abandoned.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora