Vee's Love

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Continuation of the last chapter due to it starting to crash.

Eda P.O.V

I'm gonna tell his "cute, short, stubborn, shy, overconfident, smartass" crush. According to him, I'm so evil, AHAHAHA.

Vee P.O.V

I went to the market to get Camila some apples for her pie she is making. She says she adds her 'special touch. And Luz is always talking about it, making me hungry and drool.

While I was at the market, I saw the same cute tall black haired person. They are so beautiful and gorgeous.

Seemed they were shopping for some type of...juice? Or was that perfume? It's hard to tell, but both taste good, so..

I get a random boost of confidence and walk up to the individual and tap them. They then turn, and then I say, "Hey, we met once before. Do you maybe wanna become friends?" I didn't realize how awkward it was until after saying it, I was prepared for rejection right after realizing how weird that sounded.

She then smiled brightly and gave me an enthusiastic, yes! I smiled so bright that the sun had to even hide from me!

After that, I hurried and bought what I needed and headed home, I told Camila and my other siblings. I then asked Camila to go to The Owl House to get some of those pretty flowers from Willow. She agreed, and I was happy once again and skipped the rest of the way there.

I remember her telling me something about an arcade, so I guess we will meet there! I can't even wait.

I heard a loud and obnoxious knock on the front door and saw it was Luca, he was hiding from something..or someone..?

When I asked him about it, he just said, "I kinda broke into someone's house, and the person I wanted to scare isn't the one who caught me, now I'm scared."

"Who are you hiding from?" I say curious. He then points to the window, and it looks too blurry, Luca runs upstairs while I just sit at the table and decide what to say at me, and gorgeous's meet-up.

Time skip

I arrive at the location and see them there before me.

They then walk up to me and greet me, I greet them back, smiling.

"Hello there!" They say enthusiastic.
"H.h.hi!" I say back, shy.

"How have you been lately?"
"I've been good! What about you?"
"I have been good too! I even got to taste some delicious pie!"
"Ooooh, lucky!! Gonna have to bring me over some time!" They say while shoving me, I just smile, and then they return the smile with an even brighter one. I then take their hands, "Masha, I wanted to ask you if we could hang out more? Cause you're so much fun to be around! And you make everything fun!!"

I say to her, but still shy. They then look at me and hold my hands tighter and nod.

I get home after that, and I never wanna wash my hands again!! I tell Camila, and she is extremely excited for me but says I must wash my hands, even if my crush touched them and heald them! I frown but agree, cause I must stay clean.

I decided to go watch Luz and her banc practice. It seems Lucìa is getting a better hang of it! She even remembers the notes now. She just needs to practice her tiny amount of vocals.

I watch as they play, and then I hear Gus and Amity singing. I chuckled but then noticed the lyrics they were singing and instantly backed out as soon as I did Lucìa started singing!

'I don't even care anymore.' I thought to myself, I just want to get rid of this boredom. Hmmm, I might as well draw!

Lucìa p.o.v

I see Vee, and she looks astonished by Gus and Amity's singing. Maybe it's the lyrics? Probably, knowing they think Gus is an all little bean! But anyway, I finished up my guitar strum, one of the hardest parts! Now I have to sing. 'What the fuck we're my lines again?' I thought to myself and tried to remember till Luz handed me a sheet, "here sis, I knew you'd need it." I nod at her and thank her.

I guess I have some practicing to do. God, I hate practicing singing notes!! Especially if I am the only one and everyone can hear me! Let's just get this over with then, I guess.

3rd person p.o.v

Lucìa slowly looked over her lines and hummed some, then started singing a bit, the rest of the band played a little as she practiced and then, Lucìa started strumming her guitar to her singing. She was getting extremely great at her notes! Everyone took a break, and Lucìa decided to practice some of her long O's, and more.

Luz p.o.v

I saw Lucìa stay back to practice, that was...odd of her. I didn't mind it much, though! I decided on she was just more active and musical today. Guess today is the last day , and tomorrow we pack up for the concert!

Well, we already packed, but we need a few more things then need to set up at the place! Lucìa is ready, though. She just needs to get those last few notes down, and we are good to go!

Oh, I'm so excited!! This is our biggest gig yet!!!

The Burning Hearts dreams (Abandoned.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin