Season 18: Part 3

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Season 18, Episode 16

Ivy struts out of the elevator, heading straight to Bailey's office, "What the hell is happening here?"

"Shepherd? Why are you here?" Bailey asks her.

"I called her in. We're on probation and she's the best person to help us fix it," Catherine tells her, "Ivy," She opens her arms for a hug, "Welcome back to Seattle, if not for the week. Now, Miranda, we have spent years rebranding this organization into something respectable that bears my name. I'm not going to let my entire legacy shrivel and die because one hospital can't get its crap together."

Ivy sits in a chair in front of Bailey's desk, crossing her legs, "Catherine, we both know there's so much more going on," Seeing the look her mother-in-law shoots her, she says, "Look, the Medical Accreditation Council has inquired about visiting 20 different Fox Foundation hospitals as of me walking through the doors here."

"With all due respect, Catherine, you supported the Webber Method-"

"Are we here to point fingers or are we here to solve problems?" Catherine asks.

"To be fair, Catherine, you are pointing fingers more than problem solving," Ivy points out, "And don't give me that look. You brought me here to help you and be honest. If you wanted someone to come in here and kiss your ass, you have plenty of interns at the Foundation you could have called."

They keep arguing as Amelia, Maggie and Meredith stand watching through the window, "When did Ivy get here?"

Amelia shrugs, "I've been here ten minutes and they've been here before that."

"It must be really bad if they called Ivy in," Maggie comments.

"Let's put it this way, nothing's good when they have to bring Ivy in from Boston."


Richard is, luckily, able to escape the meeting while Ivy is stuck with Catherine and Bailey, "You need to be trying to save the program, not sulking."

"I am recruiting. There are resumes for attending surgeons."

"Right now, you need to be focused on keeping the residents," Ivy watches Bailey as Catherine talks, "You know when a program goes on probation, they panic, and flee, and we lose government funding."

Bailey argues, "Well, they'll stay if we have enough attendings to teach them."

Catherine shakes her head, "No, no. We will not hire any outside surgeons until we have assurance that our residents intend to stay and plan to give good reviews to the council's follow-up visit."

Ivy jumps in, "Catherine, that sounds like bribery. Give a good review, get a good attending. Listen, setting up meetings and begging residents isn't going to work. All it's going to cause is more panic that we don't think our program is good enough. Let me go through and talk with as many people as I can. Not talk at them, but let them talk to me. Whether it's complaints, highlights or worries. Now, Catherine, may I speak to Bailey alone for a moment?"

Catherine lets out a sigh, "Fine."

Once the door closes behind her, Ivy turns to Bailey, "I want you to consider taking a leave. You are showing signs of burnout and those can lead to disastrous results for you and your family."

Bailey shakes her head, "No, I am fine-"

"Miranda," Ivy says, "I'm not yet ordering you too. I want you to take some time today and think about it. If you're worried about a shortage here of surgeons, trust me, we can find some who owe Jackson and I a lot of favors. I don't want you to get stuck in a place where you don't see any of the good that can be done here."


Ivy finds Schmidt and Helm, "Hey you two."

"Dr. Shepherd-Avery!" Helm smiles, "It's good to see you back at Grey Sloan. Are you back permanently back?"

"No, I'm not. Now, has Catherine and Bailey brought you in to talk yet?" Ivy asks.

They shake their heads, "No, are-are we in trouble?"

Ivy sighs, "No, Catherine wants you both to leave a good review on the residency program. I want you to know, no one is going to judge you for what you say, as long as it's the truth. The good, the bad and the ugly. If Catherine or Bailey give you trouble, tattle to me and I'll deal with them. You two are outstanding surgeons and I'm not going to let anyone bully you into doing something you don't feel is right."

Helm throws herself at Ivy in a hug, "Thank you. Thank you."

Schmidt looks to her, "But you are going to save the program, right?"

"Who do you think I am? I'm Ivy Shepherd-Avery. I will save this program even if I have to sell my soul to the devil."


Ivy sees Addison heading to an on-call room, crying. She runs to catch up to her, "Addison, Addison!"

"I can't do this right now, Ivy. If you're here to tell me to help you save this hospital or the residency program, I'm going to punch you."

"No," Ivy shakes her head, hugging the red-head, "I'm just here to be your sister. If you'll let me."

Addison finally lets herself fully breakdown and hug Ivy back. Ivy rubs her hand over Addison's back in a soothing motion.


Ivy sits Meredith, Catherine, Bailey and Richard down in Bailey's office, "Okay, so-"

"No, Meredith, how could you-" Catherine starts to interrupt her.

"No, Catherine, you told me to come here and fix the problem, so I'm fixing ten problems. You are either a problem I need to fix or you sit and be quiet," Catherine nods, "Okay, Bailey told me that she is going to take a little time off as Chief of Surgery."

"What?" They all say.

Ivy shakes her head, "No, she's not quitting or leaving, she is just taking some time off to help herself. I have already approved it and if any of you try to go back on it, you are showing that Grey Sloan doesn't value the health of their surgeons. Now, I've talked to Nick Marsh, he has agreed move out here, temporarily, and fill an attending position."

"What?" Meredith asks, "You talked to Nick? You had no right to do that!"

"No, I have no right to ask him to convince you to stay our here forever. I asked him to take a job for the next little bit of time. You can still go to Minnesota, if you want. No one is stopping you," Ivy leans against the Chief of Surgery desk, "Now, I've talked to Jackson. We have agreed that until the residency program is off of probation, either shut down or we reinstated to all it's glory, I will be moving back to Seattle and working here."


AN: I feel like this is a preview to how Ivy is going to handle Catherine in Season 21. 

Part 4 of Season 18 will be the next episode. I wasn't originally planning on Ivy moving back but, let's be real, that is 100% her character.

QoC: Should any of the kids come out to Seattle as well?

Thank you for all of the votes and reads and comments!!!

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