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After Brazil vs Serbia,

Brazil won the match by 2-0. As everyone knows, who was the star of the match, Richarlison. On the Dressing room, everyone was praising him for this amazing performance. But Neymar! All their enjoyment paused here. He got injured. His ankel got affected badly. So bad, that coach Titè has confirmed, it's unsure weather Neymar can play the next two matches or not. Neymar got hurt. He had the dream to play the world cup for his country and win all the matches for the Trophy. But it finished with a bound of stone. Feels like, sky has been fell on him. He was mentally, physically distracted. He had tension for his team. "Lord, protect us," Neymar says holding his cross.

But everybody keeps faith for a speedy recovery cz Neymar was using NASA's technology, which can help him more than before. He has faith also to come back soon, at least for playing group 16's matches.

At night,
Neymar goes to his room after taking therapy and medicines. He needs rest as doctor says. He can't savour for any food either. He is so weak.
He lays down back on his pillow. Feeling weak and breathless. His ankel is like, all the bones and veins are playing. For relief his pain, his mind blows him back from the Thought of Messi. Why not, Who can save him from this pain? Nobody has that strength. He Smiles a little bit and pick his phone to call him. He dials his number and calls him, its ringing but no answer. He calls him again, again no answer. He did it around 5 times, but NO ANSWER. He is disappointed soo much. He text a message to him, "Pick my phone up. I need to talk with you."

2 hours left,
Neymar is still looking at his phone for just one response. But he didn't have this. He feels emotional. He can't fight back all the time. He has his inner need that provides him capacity to lean down for someone, someone who provides his Life! It's not easy for him to look or to wait. He has his faith for himself and his team also. "I am not even in position so that I can get myself there and hug you. I can't walk enough either," he says to his ruthless mind, which is saying him to go.

When he was about to sleep, his phone rings. He picks his phone uncontrollably. "Hello, Leo!" He says as his tears literally falls down. "NEY! Listen to me. Just stop calling me unnecessarily. You know, I'm busy with my team. It's World Cup. I promise you, I will spend my whole time with you after this World Cup. But now, please leave me alone. You know, after losing I got panicked. I need time. Just Don't disturb me, you should understand, okay. BYE." Neymar was just listening to him said nothing. He gets his feedback and now he is alright. "I understand Leo, you need single time to fit. It's okay, You called me, that's enough for me." Neymar smiles again and sleeps.

Messi has still the mind. Neymar knows it isn't gonna be changed until a Win. But Neymar keeps all these from Messi. Messi couldn't get his things just still have the passion for his match. Still match is more important than Neymar. Why not? It's World Cup otherwise.

That cruel night is punishing Neymar. All the Love is trying to escape from his mind, he still holds those. His eyes are reflecting with tears. His distressed smile is cursing him insidely. One side is his ankel, other side is himself. The combination of both is torturing him worthlessly.

Messi is thinking about his own behaviour with an intolerable mind. He can't let it go. He loves him. Its not easy for him to ignore his beloved one. It's not much time they had together Paris. They played with their Heart and Soul for their team. They had the Best time in there life. After they separated for World Cup. And Messi became rude with Neymar. But he had the mindset just for his country. "I guess I need rest more than these," days to himself.

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