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Messi now sets the mind for going to Neymar. He doesn't care about his match anymore. Neymar is first as his own. He always cares what his mind says. Cause he promised him to do so. But he thinks, how can he get himself there? He even don't know, which hote was selected for Brazil. His phone is on charging as he can't contact either. The unplayable tensions throw him in a raffle cottage, breaks him down in pieces. "Sure, he is thinking about me and I can't get myself there...," Messi is saying himself, sighs, continues, "There b-btween his, his hands." He continues sighing. Breaths in. Later, he makes himself fine, wiped his tears out, comes downstairs, stared asking the hote staffs, where the hotel is? But no one can answer. He was a bit of luckier as he found the hotel manager. He was delightful to see Messi. But Messi just found a HOPE. He comes forward. The manager says, "How are you, leon-" "Please, DON'T CALL ME 'LEO', just tell me which hotel has been booked for Brazil team?" Messi asked in hurry. The Manager strangley answered, "Hotel num.02!" "Ah! Okay, Thanks a lot," Messi said and ran off. "But why-" Manager said but sees Messi runs quickly from there. He stayed same, standing strangley.

All the players were sitting together in the lobby. Talking with each-other. Paquetá was singing between them, joking out. Everyone was having fun. Neymar was with them also. He was quite happier with them. After having their time together, he comes in his room, Silva and Alisson hepled him so that he can lay down and have rest. He lays down, has his all pains come back in his thoughts. He switches his phone on, moves to gallery, the album about Messi, clicks on it. Click the first picture, halts. Why not? That picture blows him in the memories of PSG. Yes, when they visited Eiffel Tower. He places his hand over it, his tears comes out, seeing Messi, how cute he is looking beside him. They had wear same blue t-shirts. He is crying a little bit.

When he was about to fall asleep. He got frightened. He opens his eyes terribly. He can hear some footsteps. Which were becoming loud within seconds. Seems like those footsteps are coming from beside lobby. He is scaring. Those sounds are increasing widely. His breathing is enhancing. Neymar is going forward, unable to walk but trying to check in. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped! Neymar stunned! Looks miserably on the door-handle. Someone is trying to unlock it. Someone is knocking out loudly. The sound is louder than the footsteps. One door after, someone says, "Open the door, NEY." He breaths out. Wider, slower, his beating moves to faster. "LEO!" Neymar says with a bland voice. "LEO! wait," Neymar unlocks the door. With no moment wait, Messi jumps over his shoulder, Hugs him tightly. So tight that he hadn't find someone ever. Why not? Messi has much problem if someone touches him a little bit. "NEY! I am sorry Ney. I-I was out of my mind and, and I was angryyy..," Messi says with his tearful tone. Neymar was unable to stand up, but he was able to hold Messi tightly on his injured leg. He was able to lean on his feet. "You don't have to say sorry Leo. It wasn't your fault," Neymar says before his ear softly. "NO! I WAS MY FAULT. You-you were fighting here with your p-pain, and I, I was betraying you FOR NO REASON. You haven't done anything, anything Neyy!" Messi is crying loudly. Neymar untides him and hold his jaw, says, "Listen. Leo, look at me." Messi looks up at him with a crying face. His cheek and nose turn to red; Sighs. Neymar continues, "Let me clear you one thing. It WASN'T your fault. You are the Captain the forward. It is your last World Cup, I respect that you have the passion to go with your team. I am happy for that after losing you are ready to fight back. I believe you. It is the time of World Cup and you have to keep me aside-" "No, Ney. Ney listen, you were injured. And I-I didn't know it. Ney, pardon mehh," Messi bursted out. He holds Neymars hand. Keenly begging to forgive him. "LEO, it's okay. It's alright. You have to look after your team. You have responsibility. I didn't mind, just missed you a little bit," Neymar says, gives the enough try to Messi as it works. He wiped his all tears out with his hand. Messi is looking down. He holds his jaw again and moves his face up. There eye connection has been locked. Neymar comes closer to him. Messi can feel Neymar's breath. His beats rise upper. He closed his eyes. Neymar moves his face, comes closer again, kissed him. Kisses on his soft lips. Harder, deeper so close that he desperately needs him now. Messi holds him tightly between his arms. Feels him everywhere. Afterwards, they hugged each-other again. "I need you the most, Ney," Messi says. "So do I, Leo," Neymar says with a relaxed tone.


[I hope you enjoyed the story. I just tried as much as I can. Pardon me if I did any mistake. Thank you]

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