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25 November,
Neymar couldn't sleep well last night. He is tired and feeling heavy. He still can't forget about last night, feel that pain again. Watch his leg, thinks Its all good now. He tries to get up as usual instantly he fells down on his bed. "Ahh! It hurts!"  painful words comes out. He hasn't overcome yet. But he is feeling he has.

Messi is reading the newspaper to check in. He avoided the headline. When he was about to turn the page his eyes stuck in the headline written, 'Neymar will be missed the last two matches for ankel injury.' He got shocked, so much that he can't believe either. He has paused, got fright. Suddenly, Fernández placed his hand on his shoulder and says, "Are you alright?" Messi started stammering, "Y-y yeah, I'm alright. J-just reading it o-over. I'm good!" "Okay then," Fernández says suspiciously.

Messi again stated reading. He is reading faster. He reads the whole para. He is shocking, distracted. Why not? He didn't know about his injury. He was so busy in practicing that he didn't get that information, couldn't watch their match also. "Ney!" That anguished voice comes from his relentless mouth. Suddenly, he feels cry, the news deeply impacts him, hoding that paper tightly.

Messi looks at the Clock, it's 9 o'clock- the time of practice. Everyone comes downstairs with their staffs and heading forward to get on the bus. He is sitting in the couch. Immediately, he gets up and runs to the upstairs with his ponderous mind. He locked himself in his room. He checks his phone, 22 missed calls from Naymar. Then he calls him in a hurry. But his phone's battery is dead. Its at 2%. He didn't notice. The call hasn't reach. He breaths down and his phone turns off. He got panicked again.

He puts the charge pin in the phone, as it says, 4 hours utill full charge. But he can't wait 4 hours. Tomorrow he has the important match to remain in the World Cup. For that second chance, he fought with himself all the day. "I have to go for practicing. After then I will go for seeing him," he said confusingly to himself. 'But Ney? Is match more important than him? It is not your last world cup. And Argentina is not so weak team as they can't win against Mexico. Go, just go,' His obsessed mind says to himself.

He sits down on the floor with worry, lot of concernments. His mind isn't working. "Hahh!" He breaths out, looking straight. He folds his both hand tightly. Ween, Neymar told him, 'Always listen to your Mind. Mind is the weapon to courage.' Thinks it and closed his eyes. "I do, Ney," says deeply. He is worried about Neymar, thinks it's only his fault. He shouldn't have done this with him. He shouldn't behave rudely. "How careless  I am!" Messi is so disappointed, desperate.

While, other Brazilian players keep practicing, Neymar just keeps looking at them. Broken inside, feels hurtly, 'His leg, his team, his match, World Cup and, and Messi!' He closed his eyes thinks, "Maybe he is okay. My team will be Good also. Lord, protect us."

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