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I tried to remember what I did yesterday to end like this...

My mind is a little blurry,but i remember that i stayed up late playing OTO.

Yes...i was fighting a middle game raid boss alone as Nyarla to farm materials.

I was farming a black dragon to get black dragon leather for a BDSM outfit.

All i needed was twenty pieces of leather,but while i was farming the boss a message popped up.

[Congratulations,you have been selected by the developers to enjoy a premium experience]

[Do you accept?]

I obviously said yes and then...I waked up here.

It's not a dream,at least I'm sure of that,I feel everything,not like in the game were all you feel are slight pushes and electric pulses.

This feels real,the air brushing my hair,the sensation of touching the grass with my bare feet and the cold hitting my naked body.

Actually,i feel kinda horny,but I'll try to ignore that.

"I should probably put some clothes on"

I made the same hand gesture and displayed my character inventory.

There were at least thirty thousand items of which around six thousand of them were equipment.

Most of that equipment were NSFW and the ones that weren't were low level armors, so i took the least revealing one i had, a schoolgirl uniform.

I know that's a pretty weird thing to have, and I'm not proud of it, but it just another fetish of mine.

Anywhere, i selected the uniform and it immediately appeared on me.

"Just like in the game, pretty convenient"

Even if it looks like this, is still a level 750 armor with resistance to all elemental damage and immunity to status effects,I remember using this daily because it was so damn good against most enemies i encountered in mid-high level areas.

In the end i swapped it for a succubus outfit because it offered more resistances and better stats, but i still have a place in my heart for the schoolgirl uniform.

I jumped and moved a little to make sure everything was put on correctly and then i started walking without any idea of am i.

"Damn this is reallly comfortable,and the fabric is extremely soft"

It made me feel something in my breasts though, but I tried to just ignore it.

Eventually i ended up on a little lake in the middle of the forest, it was very pretty because the water was pretty clear and it was surrounded by beautiful flowers.

"So i really became Nyarla..."

I said as i saw my reflection in the water.

Beautiful fair skin,short black hair, a pair of red eyes and a round but sexy face, this were definitely the characteristics of Nyarla.

Putting my knowledge of my own character to use, i concentrated and tried to use an ability,as a result, four more eyes grew in my face.

I'm a Lovecraft horror after all,body manipulation is a racial skill of mine.

I played a little with that skill, to simple things like changing my hair color to weird things like turning my right arm into a tentacle or growing horrific wings from my back.

The body manipulation skill was a simple but also powerful skill that branched into many others, with some even being able to affect other beings.

After some time i stopped playing and regained my normal form.

"I don't really know what to do..."

While i was drowning in my own thoughts i heard a weird scream...or maybe even a cry from the distance.

"Well that's weird...《Soul Judge》"

My eyes starting glowing white as a result of my skill.

Soul Judge is a high level skill that would allow a player to see the karma values of a monster,npc or player from even kilometers away,which would normally be impossible to see without the permission of the entity itself.

What i saw was different from what the game would have displayed, instead of seeing numbers attached to the name of the player or npc, i saw four spheres, one of this was pure white while the rest of them had a black color attached to them.

"It's different but also pretty obvious"

A pure soul being attacked by three bad guys...pretty cliche in this kind of isekai scenario.

"Well fuck it, i may as well take a look at what's happening...《Light Speed》"

I immediately starting running in the direction of the souls at the literal speed of light...though apparently i see it slowed down just like in the game so it's actually not that different from running normally,at leats not for me, in the game other people would just see a flash passing through, but for myself it's more like slowing time.

"However...this fells way to natural for some reason"

I finally reached them and what i saw was...

"A dragon?"