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"Caiden, is it necessary for all this blood? It's just more of a mess to clean up." I said while tying my hair back.

"I bet if someone put hands on Everleigh you'd be the same way dipshit."

"Hey just because you won't admit to my sister you like her does not mean you gotta bring in my love life."

Caiden took another shot at the three dead bodies in front of us, long story short Caiden is the son of a gang in Korea who came to Russia a while ago and supposedly was here to get close to us and harm us due to his father's request but he didn't do that and his father came to terms with it and now he's a friend of ours.

Caiden has a thing for Mayumi, but she's oblivious to it and he won't tell her-and I don't care to get involved.

Everleigh is someone I like, she's an American but I had met her in America when I went to high school there and we became friends-I started to like her and we ended up getting together so now we've been dating for about three years.

"People just can't keep thinking it's okay to touch May, clearly the news doesn't do a good job."

He was crazy about May, like how I'm crazy about Ev-but being this crazy can lead to issues no one needs.

"I think we can leave now Caiden, they're already dead."

"Yeah, true. You brought the stuff?"

I gave him the bottle of gasoline and a match box, he doused the bodies with gasoline and then lit the match and tossed it into the gas.

"Should teach them a lesson."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah sure whatever, let's get out of here."


"Where is Zian?" Everleigh came out of her room half asleep while holding the stuffed teddy bear he got her on their anniversary.

I sometimes forget she could kill someone with no effort, she looks so soft and docile.

"He's out doing something, I'm sure he'll be back soon." I said.

Truth is I don't know where he and Caiden disappeared to, but I was up studying and had my headphones on so I didn't know when they left.

Well just as I said that, both came through the door. Go figure they were together, "Zian!" Ev ran to him and hugged him.

Caiden and I glanced at each other, and I noticed blood on his knuckles. Zian and Ev started acting all lovey dovey-or well she was and Zian was just happy to be on the receiving end.

One thing led to another and they disappeared into their room, leaving Caiden and I. I got up and went to him, I took his hand and looked at it.

"We should fix this up." I said and he followed me to the kitchen so I could clean and bandage his bruised knuckles.

I took the med kit out and held his hand to clean it and start applying cream on the bruise, "I can do it myself you know." He said.

I squeezed down on the bruise which made him wince, "okay maybe not but ow."

"What were you even doing out?" I asked him and started bandaging it.

"Needed to handle something." He replied.

"Or someone." I shot back.

I finished dressing his hand, then we both heard noise in Zian and Ev's room.

This was one thing we didn't take into consideration, how many times they have sex honestly.

The banging of the bed was loud, Caiden and I sighed.

"I'm surprised Ev isn't pregnant yet." Caiden said.

"You and me both, anyways it's late and we should probably go to bed."

"But I wanted to hang out with you." He said and took my hand after I put his down.

"I'm tired, I've been studying all night basically."

"Then can you at least sleep in my room?"

I nodded, "fine you big baby."

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