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"Are you sure this is the place?" May asked me through my ear piece.

She was up in a tree with her gun that had a sniper scope and had her binoculars, despite this being a last minute op we had to carry out she was quick to agree.

"Yeah, I checked it and everything. Why?"

"Cause there's like thirty or so people in that building and they're heavily armed."

"Caiden gave me grenades."

She groaned, "Zian you could die from this op."

"That's why you're here." I said.

"Ugh fuck this, I'm joining you."

I heard the tree she jumped off of and came up beside me with her assault rifle and ammo, "bulletproof vest?" She asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yessir, now let's do this and get back yeah? I I beg Ev is worried."

Thinking about Ev made me calmer in ops like this, "true, let's finish quick."

"Okay that I didn't account for." May said as she finished taking down the tenth guy who jumped her.

This bodies piled up, it was a lot.

"ZIAN!" She called out and I fell on the ground.

I was caught off guard again, but the bullet hit the vest and damn that shit hurt.

I groaned out and sat up in a way, but the my chest started to hurt cause that's where the bullet hit on the vest-among the other gunshots I took. It was like paintball, it's gonna leave marks for sure when I get back.

May grabbed me and sat me up against the wall and went for the rest of the people, there wasn't much left anyways.

I took out about fifteen I'd say? There were only five guys left and May made quick work of them.

My upper body was sore as fuck, breathing was a little hard but nothing I haven't been through before.

Our parents decided to put us in Cardinal, where mom started out and whose dad's closest ally. When we turned sixteen they put us in it cause it was a way of us getting training and getting used to the kind of life we're in and the reality of things.

"Let's go." May said and held her hand out to me, I grabbed it and she pulled me up and helped me stand upright.

"All our arguing and shit aside, I really have no clue what I'd do without you." I told her and it's true.

May came through for me more than once, and I know I haven't been the best brother to her and I am fully aware of it and that certain things can't be fixed but here and there I tell her how much she means to me and that if she wasn't alive there wouldn't be a reason for me to be alive as well.

"Lose the sentimental shit, you're my twin brother idiot-at the end of the day aside from everything it's just you and me."

"You do know I plan on marrying Ev right?" I said.

She looked at me, I could never tell what she's thinking. May never expressed herself much and maybe that's why we didn't get along well growing up.

"Yeah, I know." She said, her tone remained neutral.

"So you don't really care about that?"

She sighed while we walked out to the car, "Do what you want Zian, it's your life not mine and I don't have a say it whatever it is you decide to do about your future."

"It means it wouldn't just be us then." I said, I knew she was getting ticked off but she kept her calm.

"Blood is thicker than water Zian." She said and opened the car door and let me get in.

"I'm surprised you even say that considering what mom and dad told us."

She shrugged and closed the car door and got into the driver's side, she started up the car and tossed her things in the back and drove off.

"Mom and dad had different experiences from us, so yeah I'd think a little different." She answered me.

I scoffed, but that hurt so I held my side. "Fair enough, I'm hustling surprised that's all."

"Right, anyway just stop talking cause it looks like it hurts."

"Yes ma'am."

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