4. Love and Ducks

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A/n: Sorry this chapter took so long. I had the flu and had to write a 3 page history essay so the last thing I wanted to do was write. Enjoy!

Flora felt strange the next day. At first, she thought it was her anxiety but she quickly realized that the symptoms were different. The feeling in her stomach and in her chest was like nothing she had felt before. Flora replayed the events of yesterday, trying to figure out what she was feeling. The game. Right after the game.

Flora was immediately brought back to right after her game against District 5. She and Adam were in the parking lot. Something happened right then. That's what she was stuck on. Then she thought about being at Mickey's with her mom. The comment her mother had made. She was stuck on that too.

"Oh my god." She whispered to herself. Flora Jackson was in love. She was in love with Adam Banks.

This was not what Flora could keep thinking about. Whenever something about love popped into her head, she started freaking out. Flora was only 12 years old. She didn't even know what love was. Or maybe she did. Maybe if you're constantly around someone you love for two years straight, you learn about what love is without realizing it. Flora realized one thing at this very moment. If she was actually in love with Adam, she was fucked.

The rest of the day felt just as weird as that morning. Every time Flora saw Adam (which was a lot) she felt uneasy. She had never felt anything besides safe when she was with Adam. Her mom just had to make it weird by asking if she liked him.

The only thing that pulled Flora out of her thoughts was what McGill told her when he called that night.

"Did you hear the news about District 5!?" The boy practically yelled into her ear. Flora had no idea what he was talking about. Whenever District 5 came up in conversation, it was to talk about how bad they were at hockey.

"No, I haven't heard anything. Why?"

"They're not District 5 anymore." Flora was waiting for McGill to get to the point. She couldn't just guess what he was thinking every time the boy spoke.

"Elaborate please." She told him.

"Some fancy lawyer is sponsoring them now. They have real equipment, real uniforms, and a real mascot now." Flora was actually quite intrigued. How could District 5 completely change everything about their team in just one day? Flora let McGill continue. "They have a stupid mascot though. You would think that the coach would pick something cool, like a lion or a hyena, but the idiot picked a duck." McGill scoffed. Flora agreed with him. The duck was kind of a weak mascot.

"So we won't be playing District 5 anymore? We'll be playing the Ducks?" Flora questioned.

"Mhm," McGill said on the opposite end. "But just because they have a sponsor and nice equipment doesn't mean they'll actually be able to play well. That team will always be a bunch of losers." Flora could tell McGill was pissed about the Ducks. She didn't know why. A real name and some new equipment wouldn't make them better players. "I have to call Larson now, he's going to be so pissed about this." McGill disconnected and Flora her phone back on its base. 

Usually, Flora would run next door to tell Adam about the Ducks, but something was stopping her. She needed to just get over it. Nothing had changed between her and Adam. Flora was just being dumb because her mom put an idea in her head. It was nothing.

She went out into the chilly November air. It was a little windy but that was typical for Minnesota. When the girl arrived at the Banks' door, she rang the bell and waited. Flora could hear who she assumed was Adam rush toward the door. To her surprise, Mrs. Banks opened the door.

"Hi, Flora, come on in!" The woman greeted. Flora stepped into the familiar entryway and into the family room. She immediately saw a picture of her and Adam in their Hawks jerseys from last season.

Hi, Mrs. Banks. Is Adam home?" Linda Banks nodded her head.

"He's in his room. You can go right up, sweetie." Flora gave her a thankful smile and walked up the grand staircase. She was always a little jealous of how nice Adam's house was. Her parents had money but not the kind the Banks had. 

Upon approaching Adam's room. Flora could hear "Smells Like Teen Spirit" blasting on his stereo. She knocked on his door, not wanting to catch him off guard. 

"What, Mom!" He yelled over the music. Flora chuckled for a second.

"It's not your mom!" She called back to him. Flora immediately heard a scramble coming from the other side of the door.

"Flora! Uhh, gimme one second!" She could hear him running around his room. After a few seconds the music turned off and the door opened. Adam was standing at the entrance to his room with slightly messy hair and his Hawks sweatshirt on. He smiled at the girl. "Hey,"

"Hey," She giggled. "You know you could have left the music on. I love that song." Flora informed him as she entered the room. Adam made a mental note. Flora loves "Smells Like Teen Spirit". 

"I can turn it back on if you want."

"Later. You're not going to believe what McGill told me." Flora spent the next few minutes telling Adam everything that she had heard from McGill not even ten minutes prior. She could tell he was shocked by the fact that his jaw was practically on the floor. 

"So that shitty coach actually has some ties?" He asked when she was finished.

"I guess so. I don't think many peewee hockey teams are sponsored by big law firms, and definitely not the worst team in the league."

"You're right. Where's our sponsorship?" Flora and Adam laughed.

"You'll just have to wait a few years until we're playing hockey together at some big D1 school and no one will be able to stop us. We'll have sponsors lined up at our doors." They both smiled. Adam enjoyed picturing his future. No matter what he saw, Flora was always in it.

"I can't wait."

Wildest Dreams OCxAdam Banksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें