8. Late Night

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Flora was fast asleep in bed when she jolted awake to the sound of a tap on her window. She rubbed her eyes before standing up to see what the sound was. On the ground, just below her window, was Adam Banks. He had a handful of small stones and acorns, ready to chuck them up at Flora's window. A smile grew on his face when he saw the girl looking out her second-story window.

Flora glanced at her clock to see that it had just struck 2 A.M. She playfully rolled her eyes and grabbed a sweatshirt before quietly going downstairs. She could hear her Dad snoring from down the hall. Flora opened the front door to her house and closed it as quietly as she could. She didn't want her parents to wake up and think she was sneaking out. In a way, she was but it was just to her own yard.

When Flora turned at the corner of her house, she saw Adam standing exactly where he had been before. He was staring at her again, giving Flora the butterfly feeling she knew far too well. She ran to greet Adam with her arms wrapped around her waist. There was a gentle breeze on top of the already freezing air.

"Hi," Adam said softly.


"I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the game and how incredible it felt. I guess the adrenaline is still running through me or something. I thought maybe you would be up too. Sorry for waking you.

"Don't worry about it." Flora chuckled, "I know how you get after a big win. I'm surprised you waited all the way until 2 to wake me up." She teased.

Adam chuckled lightly at the comment. She was right, it wasn't the first time he had woken her up because of a game. Adam couldn't help how excited he got, even days after.

"We definitely won over the rest of the team. There's no way they can still hate us after that win. I can't wait to tell Larson and McGill about it!" Flora beamed. Adam's face began to fall. Flora didn't understand why his excitement had suddenly vanished. They should both be happy.

"Flora, I have to tell you something," Adam said somberly. Flora grew anxious. What could he possibly have to tell her? "It's about Larson and McGill."

"What happened?" She panicked. "Are they ok?"

"They're fine," Adam reassured her. "They umm, they don't want to be friends with us anymore." Confusion was added to Flora's worry.

"What do you mean they don't want to be friends with us? You guys have been friends your whole lives and the three of you took me under your wing when I first moved here." She thought Adam must have misunderstood something or was maybe even playing a joke on her.

"After the newspaper came out I got a call from McGill. He said that he and Larson talked it over and decided they don't want anything to do with anyone from the Ducks, us included. He said he'll be sure to come for us during the playoffs." Adam's expression grew sadder the more he talked while Flora's eyes filled with tears.

"No. There's no way either of them would say that," Flora denied while shaking her head. She had even more tears in her eyes now, which were beginning to fall.

"Flora, I'm so sor-"

"No!" She cut him off. "They wouldn't do that to us!" Flora was full-on crying at this point. She felt so hurt that two of her best friends would even think about doing that to her and Adam. She didn't want to believe it was real.

"I know," Adam whispered as he pulled Flora into his chest. "I know."

Wildest Dreams OCxAdam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now