11. Timeline

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Flora's Timeline

6:23 pm - Flora gets home with Adam. Still bleeding and hyperventilating, her parents get her in the car and speed to the emergency room.

6:37 pm - Flora arrives at the emergency room. She's taken back immediately. The doctors carefully unwrap Adam's bloody jacket from her arm.

7:02 pm - After waiting in her gurney for what felt like hours, Flora is finally given pain medication before getting stitches. She starts to calm down and finally catches her breath.

7:13 pm - Flora gets 14 stitches. Her new lucky number... She gets an X-ray to make sure nothing's broken.

8:28 pm - Flora gets her X-ray results. She has a fractured Ulna. She'll get a cast after getting her stitches out in 10 days. Flora is absolutely heartbroken.

9:04 pm - Flora is discharged from the hospital. She leaves with 14 stitches, a sling, and a temporary splint. She holds her tears back the whole ride home.

9:28 pm - Flora and her parents get back home. Sean has been waiting by the door since they left. He sees Flora comes inside with tears in her eyes and she goes straight to her room without saying anything.

1:56 am - Flora hasn't slept at all. She's been crying off and on for hours. Usually, she would wake Adam, but she just wants to be alone right now.

Adam's Timeline

6:23 pm - Adam gets Flora home and watches her get whisked away into her car. He runs into his house and tells his Mom what happened.

6:37 pm -  Adam's Mom holds him as he cries. He's never felt so guilty in his life.

7:02 pm  - Adam is sitting in his room, staring at the wall. He still has tears in his eyes. 

7:13 pm - Matthew doesn't dare to make fun of Adam for crying. His Mom leaves a cookie and a glass of milk at his door, but he doesn't touch it.

8:28 pm - Adam can't stop thinking about what happened. He feels nauseous like he's going to explode any minute. Adam still just sits in his room in silence.

9:04 pm - Adam can't stand the silence any longer. He puts his headphones on and presses play for whatever is in his Walkman. Smells Like Teen Spirit. 

9:28 pm - Adam hears a car pull up next door. He runs over to the window to see Flora. The only thing he can see is a small figure running inside followed by two adult figures.

1:56 am - Adam hasn't slept at all. He's been crying off and on for hours. Usually, he would wake Flora, but he can't justify getting her out of bed right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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