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Authors note

Hi you guys , yes I'm wrighting another book . In all honesty this is a very impulsive decision . If it's a good book I might continue with it because it's funny  , and it makes me happy . Also to clear things up I don't wright fanfiction . If the ship is funny and the books I find are hilarious , I wright one too because it's funny . It gives me something to do when I have extreme bursts of energy . I may also include addition characters in this book but I may also not  : ) . Also for those who don't know ;

• John - Kryozgaming .
• Jaren - Smii7y .

Love you guys and I hope you enjoy .

Any questions or suggestions can be placed in the comment section . I read every single one of them and I do reply .

For additional information on the book please read the description .

Dark Angel ( Smii7y , Kryozgaming )Where stories live. Discover now