Chapter one - 1st of November

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"So, miss Summers, what were you and miss Newton doing at the lake between ten o'clock last night and three o'clock this morning, again?" I looked straight at my interrogator, smiling slightly. "I'll tell you what I said the last eight times. Eleanor is, I mean was,  my girlfriend. On the 31st of October we went on a date, it was our six month anniversary and I took her to the movies to watch the film that we watched on our first date, the original 'halloween'. We watched it on our first date. After that we went to the lake, she asked me to be her girlfriend there. We had a midnight swim i the lake, leaving our stuff on the bank", I continued, letting my eyes tear up a bit. "Miss Summers, if the topic is too uncomfortable for you, you don't have to continue.", the interrogator started saying. I cut him off saying "It's fine, I've gotten used to the pain." He looked at me, with something like pity in his eyes. "We went back to our stuff and ... um ... we ... uh ... we made out on the shore. After we were done, we both fell asleep. When I woke up, she was gone. I searched everywhere for her, I only found her after an hour. Her body was flouting in the water. I pulled her out of the water and checked her pulse. Then I called the police and here we are now." A tear ran down my cheek. I excused myself, making a big show of trying to hold in my tears. I ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I looked up into the mirror and grinned. They're never going to find out what the truth of that night was, over my dead body. 

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