Chapter three - 6th of March

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I wake up at 05:27 and head out onto the balcony. I look up at the moon, slightly shivering in the cool breeze. I sit down and start to meditate, trying to concentrate on anything but Eleanor. What is wrong with me, why can't I just fall for someone, where when it ends it won't be awkward? But still, there's something about her, something special about Eleanor. I don't know what though, there's just a feeling, like something feels right. Honestly, I am driving myself insane, now I guess I know what I put my, what was it, 72 therapists through. I laughed at myself. Fuck, don't tell me that I just did that. Please, Eleanor, please don't come out, just stay inside, don't wake up. I started to panic. I went back into our room. I looked over to her bed. How could anyone drive me that crazy, especially after what happened last year. She turned over, her beautiful eyes wide open, her lips forming a sweet but knowing smile. "So, how long do you want to keep staring at me?" We both grinned. I walked over to her, she got up and joined me in the middle of the room. "You're up quite early." "So are you." We both laughed. "Did something happen, at your old school? You seem really distant", she asked, not quite sure if she wanted to know the answer. "There was a fire, in my dorm. I started it. I got out alive. No one else did. Me and my um... my... my girlfriend threw a 'coming out party'. A fire broke out, because of me. My girlfriend died because of me, my friends died because of me. My parents sent me to therapy, hoping that I could forget what had happened. I never told anyone that I had started it. I wanted to die, I hated myself, I still do. Since then I haven't opened up, haven't gotten close to anyone, until you.

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