Chapter Eighteen

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 Her only response was the silence of the stiff hallway walls. They looked down on her, the stairs spiraling above. If she craned her neck and looked directly upwards she could see right to the top of the house, but it made her dizzy if she stared too long.

 Silvanna righted herself and blinked. Why was nobody home? She'd just returned from a briefing with Moody and a man called Arthur Weasley, who would be tailing the Ministry worker Rookwood next week. Like Crouch Jr, he'd been hanging around with the suspicious sorts, and from her reports Dumbledore had suggested keeping an eye on him.

 Going through to the kitchen, noticing that the periwinkle paint was starting to flake away from the cabinets. Juggling her notes between her hands, she carefully slid the cardboard box onto the counter, before squinting and staring around into the gloom. With a flick of her wand, the downstairs lights turned on.

 Obviously Remus wasn't here, away and worrying everyone with his missions. But the others should be. Even the kitten that Lily had bought James for his birthday was silent, not purring on the carpet or mewing at her heels.

 The house was empty.

 A feeling of dread overcame her, her mind flurrying about what could have happened to them. Had the Death Eater's come to take them? Had they simply abbandoned her? Or were they dead somewhere, perhaps the bottom of the garden?

 She took a deep breath, and poured a glass of wine. Whatever it was, she'd be better off handling it tipsy. With a second sigh, she opened the box before her, tempted to reach in and grab the contents. As a surprise, Arthur's wife had baked a birthday cake for little Harry, covered in dark chocolate frosting complete with little gold stars.

 But seeing as no one was here...

 She reached for a plate, but changed her mind as the door opened and closed in the hallway. Drawing her wand and fearing the worst, she scampered through, only to see Sirius kicking off his boots.

 'Oh good,' he said, 'you're back. Listen-'

 'Where are the others?' she interrupted.

 'Oh Merlin - listen. They're in hiding on Dumbledore's orders.' He fidgeted for a moment, glancing at her as if wondering whether she was goin to kick him out. She was still considering it.


 'New intelligence tells us that Voldemort's after them personally - like he was with Meadowes remember? So they're in hiding.'

 She was more confused by the minute. 'Do you know where?' she pushed, frowning.

 'Yes,' he said, 'but I'm the only one who does.'

 Finally satisfied, she huffed. 'You can take Harry's birthday cake then.' Of all the days, it had to be his first birthday.

 She walked back into the kitchen, settling back into the silence of the house.


 In the week before Halloween, Remus arrived back. He was tired, dirty, and thin, so mostly rested while she and Sirius had decorated the house. Over the summer they'd enjoyed each other's company, although it'd been quiet and they'd been busy with the Order. They went on missions together, fighting and snooping - which she was far better at due to her invisibility.

 The week passed slowly, until finally came the night. There wasn't a lot to do except get very drunk and answer the door to trick-or-treaters, dancing to the radio in between, and feasting on pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes.

 They all fell asleep in the living room, sprawled along the sofas.

When she woke, light was pouring through the curtains, and her head was crackling with a hangover that she thought would split it open at any moment.

 The shouting didn't help, nor did the Auror in their living room that was trying to restrain Remus.

 'Hey!' she jumped to her feet and reached for her wand, but it was gone. A second auror waved it in the air to show he had it.

 'I need to go and see him-!' Remus was saying. She had never see him so angry, agitated, and resistive. What had come over him? And where was Sirius?

 'Why are you here?' she demanded, her voice echoing around her skull with sharp edges.

 'If you stop struggling, we'll tell you,' the auror said, sounding fed-up.

 'Remus.' She hissed, and at once he stopped.

'They've arrested Sirius!'

 'What? What for?'

 'James and Lily Evans are dead. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named murdered them early this morning, in their home in Godric's Hollow, and Black is responsible.' He held out a stack of letters, one of them in Dumbledore's usual loopy handwriting. 'I assume it's all in these - they were on your doormat.'

 She snatched them and tore it open, skimming it for information.

 James and Lily, dead. Voldemort, missing. Sirius, guilty. Herself and Remus under investigation. But Harry - Harry was safe.

 She stormed through to the hallway and grabbed her cloak, all while Remus was still spluttering about Sirius. She didn't have time to think about Sirius; where was Harry? She had to get Harry.

 'Madame Black-'

 'Silvanna is fine.'

'-you are not permitted to leave the premises, you're under surveillance.'

 'I need to collect Harry, James and Lily wanted-'

'I can assure you,' said the second auror, handing her her wand as a token of faith, 'he is safe. Dumbledore is keeping him sheltered from the press and remaining Death Eaters. You must stay here, by order of the Ministry of Magic.'

 The final piece of paper handed to her was a decree of arrest, for herself and Remus.

 'It's in part for your own safety,' he admitted. 'Already the Longbottoms are missing. I'm sure somebody will be here to explain.'

 And that was that. They went back to the living room, and while Silvanna caught her bearings Remus tidied up. Silent and alone again. And there was nothing she could do.

Six, seven, eight, nine.

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