Chapter One: Days In The Sun

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Third Person pov: 

Waking up and getting ready in the mornings has always been a struggle for Rowan, but today was especially difficult for some reason. She just couldn't wake herself up enough. Granted, she did stay up most of the night on her phone reading, but she did that most nights anyway. This morning just felt different.

Shaking off the feeling of drowsiness the best she could, Rowan hopped around her room as she pulled her uniform on, gathering the various pieces that she'd strung about her room. She tied her tie the best she could, knowing that her aunt would fix it anyway, before grabbing her sneakers and shoving her socked feet into them.

After checking herself over in the mirror briefly, she grabbed her backpack and phone, heading out her bedroom door and into the main room. It was an open floor plan kitchen, dining area, and living room that took up the rest of the apartment besides the bathroom and bedrooms.

When she walked in, she groaned loudly at the sight of her Aunt's kissing at the table. "Guys, can you not suck each other's faces off before breakfast? I need to actually be able to eat something."

Kate let out a laugh, getting off her wife's lap and walking over to fix her niece's tie. "You're in a mood this morning. Get any sleep last night?" She raised a brow, but laughed when Rowan just avoided eye contact. "I thought not."

Rowan pouts while waiting for her aunt to finish messing with her tie. "Well, you know how it goes. One more chapter and all that..." Once she's free, she walks over to sit at the table.

Sam lets out a small laugh as she watches her niece scarf down a piece of toast in practically one bite. "You're just like your mother."

As if on cue, Rowan's mother, Melissa, saunters into the room in her dressing gown. "Yes she is... But what a wonderful thing to be." She makes her way over to the coffee pot on the counter, grabbing a mug and pouring herself some.

Sam mutters into her own mug of coffee. "Speak of the devil."

"And I shall appear... Yes, I have the best timing, don't I?" Melissa smiles as her daughter laughs, toast crumbs falling from her mouth. She takes a sip of her coffee before moving to the fridge to grab the creamer. "I'm going to the store later, do any of you need anything while I'm there?"

Rowan swallows her toast, chasing it down with a glass of orange juice before holding up the empty glass. "Oh, I need some more juice!" She looks into her empty glass with a pout.

Melissa chuckles. "It's already on the list, don't worry." She turns to look at her sister and sister in law. "Kate? Sam? Need anything?"

Sam looks up from the newspaper, letting out a sigh. "Some plums would be nice. They're supposed to improve brain functioning and boost memory." She reaches for her mug, taking a sip of coffee before letting out a sigh.

Rowan takes another bite of toast, chewing it halfway before speaking. "Why do you need that specifically?"

Sam sends her a small glare for talking with her mouth full, but shakes her head and explains anyway. "Mad Hatter escaped from Arkham this morning. He's the one with the mind control tech and hypnotism shit that he uses. I'd just like to be prepared."

Melissa snorts while looking down at her phone. "Then get a gun."

Sam sends her sister in law a sarcastic glare. "Ha ha." She folds up the newspaper and tosses it onto the table where Rowan grabs it to read the headlines. "You should be careful, Ro. That guy's a pedophile obsessed with blondes. Not to mention his obsession with your favorite author. If he finds you and you mention a quote from that book... he won't let you go."

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