Chapter 5: The Letter and Accepting

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As Miracule was blasting Better when I'm dancing, she decided to read the letter. The letter read : To Miracule Rose Green Adress fifty-five Broadway street, New York City. Postcode three, nine, six, nine. Dear Ms Green, This letter has been delivered to you as acceptance to the Emberglow dance academy . Miracule could not believe what she read, she wanted to stop but continued. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss.You will receive a minimum of seventy-two hours of bad luck and a welcome package in the next couple of days if you accept. To let us know if you will accept or not, please text 080069271543989 to Amber Coal, headmistress of Emberglow academy . And your dance teacher Emily Dale will pick you up at noon sharp this sunday. Hope you accept because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity you don't want to miss.

Your sincerely ,

Amber Coal

Headmistress of Emberglow Dance academy

45 Rosemary street, Manhattan , New york city , United States of America

Emliy was right, Miracule was the lucky dancer. After Miracule finished reading her acceptance letter from Amber Coal, the Headmistress of the most elite dance school in the country, she paused her music and ran downstairs into the lounge to inform her family about the invite. " Jordan,Jordan!" Miracule yelled " Yea sis." Jordan said. " You won't believe what the hell just happened?"

" what happened?" " I got accepted to Emberglow." "What"

Said Jordan who was in complete shock.Jordan tried about more than twenty times to get accepted into Emberglow and failed and then gave in. "Let me see!" and Miracule showed her sister the acceptance letter and surprisingly Jordan pulled Miracule into a bone crushing hug and told her she is so very proud of her. " I'm so very proud of you Mircule Rose Green and I knew you would get in because I had so much faith in you. I am incredibly proud of you baby sister. Love you so so much." Was Jordan's response to her sister's acceptance letter. And Miracle's parents didn't look impressed, her mother gave her a death stare and her father looked disappointed. As soon as her mom saw that dance academy chose Miracule she started to yell at her , "Miracule Rose Green you are not going to accept that invitation, do you hear me young lady." and then her dad joined her mom. " your mother's right young lady. You are not to accept the letter and you have to stop this poisonous dream of being a professional dancer and grow the eff hell up Miracule Rose Green" Miracule's parents yelled at her. But Mircule decided she wasn't going to have it and directly disobeyed her parents stupid insturctions and texed the headmistress of Emberglow dance academy that she is going to accept the once in a life opportunity. And she did do it; she texted the headmistress of Emberglow right in front of her very unsupported parents. And while waiting for a response from the headmistress the parents continued to yell and shout at her and started to even scream offensive words at her and as Jordan was about to interfere her parents told her to " shut up!" and her it was all Miracle's doing. So poor Jordan could do nothing to help her sister while she just sat there watching her parents emotionally abuse her sister with hurtful words. After about forty-five minutes Mircule's phone pings and all four of them freeze. Miracule's parents stop yelling at her and Jordan stays still as Miracule approaches her phone and slowly picks it up and reads the message the headmistress wrote her. Dear Ms Green, I am delighted that you have accepted my offer. Your dance teacher Emily Dale will pick you up at noon sharp this Sunday and escort you to the academy. And you will meet me in my office at one- forty -five pm sharp. And once again congratulations Ms Green I look forward to having you here as I hope you are too. And once again, congregation you deserve it Miracule you really do.

Your sincerely, Amber Coal

Headmistress of Emberglow Dance academy

Miracule could not believe it she got in ,she got accepted and showed Jordan. After Jordan saw the message she smiled at her sister and told her she deserved it because she works so hard, but her parents have something else in mind. Miracule showed her parents and they told her it was useless. And she did not deserve it and didn't need it in her life and once again tried to explain to Miracule that dancers are very stupied and tap dancers especially are complete utter idiots that have no brains what so ever and and generally trying to get her to give this poisonous dream of hers in their opinion anyways. And as her parents were explaining this to her Miracule finally had enough and told her parents to " shut up" her did. After her parents shut up Miracule told them she was not giving up her dream and she was going to Emberglow and no one was going to stop her, not even Jordan, although Jordan wasn't planning to stop her anyways she was actually going to encourage her to apply. And after that Miracule excused herself and told everyone she was tired and was going to bed because in the morning after breakfast she had to start her packing because she leaves for the academy on Sunday at noon sharp. And she also wants some extra practice before she starts her packing because if she gets caught up in her packing she might forget to practice and will become rusty and what if on Sunday when she reaches Emberglow and after meeting the headmistress she has to perform something and she can't remember. That would be one quite embarrassing and she be asked to leave and two she doesn't want to make herself a fool in front of the other dancers. So Miracule decided she was going to practice everyday despite having to pack for the academy, she was determined to do her best and be hers best. But in the meantime she's going to get some shut eye before she has to get up and pack. Because she so exhausted from school,dance, her parents arguing this morning, the scattered pots and pans she had to pick up, and her dance teaches surprise and finding out she got accepted to the most elite dance school in the country made her feel quite overwhelmed and she fell a sleep as quick a you could switch of the light switch. She was done for the day and getting her energy up for the next day and the days to follow because she knows from now on she has very high expectation she must follow where she begins her journey at Emberglow dance academy the most elite dance school in the country for the most elite and hard working dancers who want to pursue their dancing dreams and never ever ever give up or in. Boy Miracule has to really up her game if she's been accepted to this dance school. But at the moment she just wants to sleep and we will see her when she's ready to start her day bright and early, all fresh and ready to go.

My life as a Tap dancerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora