Before the beginning: Dalton

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Dalton is strange. He knows that. Everyone knows that. 

He never hangs out with anyone outside of work. He loves to be alone and, in the comfort of his own home. Being the freelance artist that he is, he can work in the cafe during the day and be the artist he wants to be in his free time at home. His artwork is currently doing really well online and in the local markets which brings him a lot of joy.

Growing up he had all the support he needed from both his parents and grandparents. They are the ones who encouraged him to follow his dream rather than the typical "parental skepticism" that comes along with wanting to have any sort of career in the art industry. His dad is a well-known photographer and CEO of his own Photography firm called "Garrett Industries & CO."  Dalton personally wasn't a fan of the name, but the business was good. He used to help out on summer break growing up, helping his father set up the cameras and the actual set that the models were going to be using, helping his father edit the final photos and other "cool things" like that. 

His mom owned a rather popular florist shop called "The Dahlia" which was handed down to her by his Grandma Janet, when his mom came of age. He also helped his mom after he graduated college with a bachelors in Art. His mother usually created magnificent floral bouquets and decorations for occasions such as weddings and anniversaries and the like, which he often helped to make to fund his own work on the side. Dalton never really minded working for his parents and found it fun, but his mom would always try and force him to go out and hang out with his "Friends" which he really did not have because he was always too shy to actually talk to anyone much to his mom's distaste.

That was until last year he met his now best friend Jules who had applied to work at his moms shop to help support himself through college. Dalton was working the late shift that day because his mom needed to go and drop off a delivery to their latest venue, so he was holding up the fort and also training the new hire that day which just so happened to be Jules. 

Flashback: July 2nd 2020:

Dalton checked his watch and huffed in distaste. 

The new hire should have been here twenty minutes ago. He thought to himself. His mom had tasked him with looking after the shop while she went off and delivered the flowers at the venue for the wedding that was supposed to be taking place tomorrow.  She had also tasked him with showing around the new hire and showing him the ropes. He was happy to help out of course but he had always a pet peeve for tardiness.

Dalton looked through the large windows outside, watching the busy streets of downtown Miami go about with their day. As much as he loved to work at his mom's shop, he would much rather be out going to buy his next set of supplies for his next commission. His art business is really starting to take off, with him getting around three commission requests a week. His train of thought being broken by the sound of the bell going off as the door to the shop being opened.

"Good morning and welcome to The Dahlia, my name is Dalton-." He was cut off by the sound of heavy breathing. Dalton looked up to see a young man no older than twenty-one at the latest.

"My name is Julien but you can call me Jules. I am so sorry I am late, there was ALOT of traffic on my way down here. I'm the new hire that is starting today. Can I speak to Melanie please?"  Julien smiled crookedly which caused Dalton to smile a small smile.

"My mom left me in charge of the shop today so I will be showing you around."  Dalton gestures him to follow him to the back where Julien would start his training. 

end of flashback..

His friendship with Jules taught him a lot about how much he really had been missing. He finally left the house long enough to go on nights out with a group of Jules and his other friends, which surprisingly he really enjoyed. He had finally learned how to interact with other people and was having the time of his life except when it came to his love life. Jules was a ladies' man and for whatever reason not many girls wanted anything to do with Dalton. It could just be how awkward he was around the opposite sex but either way he has never had a girlfriend and has not had much luck in trying to get one.

Things might change when Jules pranks him with tickets to Eros the gentlemen's club in downtown Miami as a joke on his birthday to hopefully get him laid. 

Things are about to get much more interesting....


Hello loves!

Here is Dalton's introduction chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading this just as much as i have enjoyed writing it. 

This chapter is just the beginning of his wonderful adventure and i hope that you all can vote and comment for each of these upcoming chapters because your feedback and support is greatly appreciated!

The first chapter will be released soon. Could be released sooner than expected so please add this book into your libraries and follow so that you guys can stay updated!

until next time loves,


Li x

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