The beginning

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The less people knew about her the better. She had always liked it that way because there were less bridges to burn later on if someone inevitably decided to screw her over. It had always been like that. Someone in her life decided to play with her and use her to get by. That is why she loved working at Eros. 

There she could be whoever she wanted to be without making anything too personal. She could be someone's darkest fantasy one second and their worst nightmare in another. All by means of pleasure of course. This lifestyle brought out the best in her because she didn't have to make things personal. No emotions had to be involved and no one getting screwed...well no one other than her clients of course, but that has a whole other meaning entirely.

She never was in control of her life growing up. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her. Her mom was a deadbeat and her father was no longer in the picture. He'd ran off with her mom's coworker when Eira was five  but he was never in the picture anyway.  So her mom chose drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with her life. Eira had to figure out how to look after herself from a young age. By the age of ten she was cooking her own meals, cooking for her mom so that she was eating, going shopping with whatever money she could find leftover from her moms weekly drug deal so that she had at least a meal,  as well as taking their laundry to the laundrette, once every week so that she didn't go to school stinking of her moms cigarettes or mold. That was all her house smelled of when she was growing up. Cigarette smoke was one of the things that Eira hated the most because every time she smelt it, it took her back to her early days.

Once Eira was old enough she moved away from her small town home in New Pennsylvania she had the freedom to do as she pleased. That started with her going to college and graduating at the top of her class at the age of 22.

But what really brought out the best in her was after she had broke up with her first ever boyfriend Nick who controlled pretty much every aspect of her life for four years. After she had packed up all of her belongings from his house  and found a place of her own she had finally started to live for herself again. One of her college friends had suggested Eros as a possible job suggestion when they had met up a couple years back and after drunkenly sending an application and getting a call about an interview she decided to give it a shot and never look back.


Here is a filler chapter while chapter one is under construction. I will be doing another with Dalton's POV soon and after that chapter one will released so please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks :)

Please do vote and comment on this book because I do want to know what you all think of this book.

The spelling of Aeras name has changed to another version of her name which is Eira which is the Welsh version of her name. It is pronounced "Aye ra"

Until next time


Li x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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