Chapter 2: Celeste

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I always loved flying. There was just something calming about watching the world fuse together while becoming one with the wind. I was flying through the same neck of the woods that I always do, I noticed, someone walking through the worn-out path which was forged by fairies. Based on the silent walk and pale skin I knew what it was. It was no fairy, which DUH since he also didn't have wings. I've seen what they do to fairies...why they take them. Sometimes they take certain fairies for their rank in power, take them for their blood, or they take them in as bargaining tools or slaves. Sometimes, on the rare moments, I've seen them be taken for experimenting on. I have been classified as some of the very lucky fairies to be able to escape. Very few Fae know how I've been able to escape and I intend to keep it that way. Because of my secrecy, I've become very popular among my kind. I am to be Queen of the Fae once I become of age. I am currently eighteen, but you must be twenty-one to be able to rule. Plus, I have been trying to convince my mom to pick someone else but considering I am the only Fairy to possess all powers of nature it's very unlikely she will fulfill my wishes. I decided to be a bit bold and fly around him, and as I began to make my circle around, something grabbed my ankles and yanked me right in front of him. I was now face-to-face with my kind's sworn enemy and he now has the upper hand.

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